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Unverified Commit 4c79e002 authored by Chris Truter's avatar Chris Truter Committed by GitHub
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Reapply "Add validation for remaining setting types (#37519)" (#38031)

This reverts commit d78f324c, which reverted 7b0a906a.
parent e58e0351
No related merge requests found
......@@ -1398,18 +1398,36 @@
(ex-info (trs "Error of type {0} thrown while parsing a setting" (type ex))
{:ex-type (type ex)}))
(defn- may-contain-raw-token? [ex setting]
(case (:type setting)
(instance? JsonEOFException ex) false
(instance? JsonParseException ex) true
:else (do (log/warn ex "Unexpected exception while parsing JSON")
;; err on the side of caution
(defmulti may-contain-raw-token?
"Indicate whether we must redact an exception to avoid leaking sensitive env vars"
(fn [_ex setting] (:type setting)))
;; fallback to redaction if we have not defined behaviour for a given format
(defmethod may-contain-raw-token? :default [_ _] false)
(defmethod may-contain-raw-token? :boolean [_ _] false)
;; Non EOF exceptions will mention the next character
(defmethod may-contain-raw-token? :csv [ex _] (not (instance? ex)))
;; Number parsing exceptions will quote the entire input
(defmethod may-contain-raw-token? :double [_ _] true)
(defmethod may-contain-raw-token? :integer [_ _] true)
(defmethod may-contain-raw-token? :positive-integer [_ _] true)
;; TODO: handle the remaining formats explicitly
;; Date parsing may quote the entire input, or a particular sub-portion, e.g. a misspelled month name
(defmethod may-contain-raw-token? :timestamp [_ _] true)
;; Keyword parsing can never fail, but let's be paranoid
(defmethod may-contain-raw-token? :keyword [_ _] true)
(defmethod may-contain-raw-token? :json [ex _]
(instance? JsonEOFException ex) false
(instance? JsonParseException ex) true
:else (do (log/warn ex "Unexpected exception while parsing JSON")
;; err on the side of caution
(defn- redact-sensitive-tokens [ex raw-value]
(if (may-contain-raw-token? ex raw-value)
......@@ -1420,18 +1438,17 @@
"Test whether the value configured for a given setting can be parsed as the expected type.
Returns an map containing the exception if an issue is encountered, or nil if the value passes validation."
(when (= :json (:type setting))
(binding [*disable-init* true]
(get-value-of-type (:type setting) setting))
(catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e
(let [parse-error (or (ex-cause e) e)
parse-error (redact-sensitive-tokens parse-error setting)
env-var? (set-via-env-var? setting)]
(assoc (select-keys setting [:name :type])
:parse-error parse-error
:env-var? env-var?))))))
(binding [*disable-init* true]
(get-value-of-type (:type setting) setting))
(catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e
(let [parse-error (or (ex-cause e) e)
parse-error (redact-sensitive-tokens parse-error setting)
env-var? (set-via-env-var? setting)]
(assoc (select-keys setting [:name :type])
:parse-error parse-error
:env-var? env-var?)))))
(defn validate-settings-formatting!
"Check whether there are any issues with the format of application settings, e.g. an invalid JSON string.
......@@ -1441,7 +1458,7 @@
(doseq [invalid-setting (keep validate-setting (vals @registered-settings))]
(if (:env-var? invalid-setting)
(throw (ex-info (trs "Invalid {0} configuration for setting: {1}"
#_:clj-kondo/ignore (str/upper-case (name (:type invalid-setting)))
(u/upper-case-en (name (:type invalid-setting)))
(name (:name invalid-setting)))
(dissoc invalid-setting :parse-error)
(:parse-error invalid-setting)))
......@@ -1271,45 +1271,186 @@
(#'setting/realize x)))))))
(deftest valid-json-setting-test
(mt/with-temp-env-var-value! ["MB_TEST_JSON_SETTING" "[1, 2]"]
(is (nil? (setting/validate-settings-formatting!)))))
(defn- get-parse-exception [raw-value]
(mt/with-temp-env-var-value! ["MB_TEST_JSON_SETTING" raw-value]
(throw (java.lang.RuntimeException. "This code should never be reached."))
(catch java.lang.Exception e e))))
(defn- assert-parser-exception! [ex cause-message]
(is (= "Invalid JSON configuration for setting: test-json-setting" (ex-message ex)))
(defn- validation-setting-symbol [format]
(symbol (str "test-" (name format) "-validation-setting")))
(defmacro define-setting-for-type [format]
`(defsetting ~(validation-setting-symbol format)
"Setting to test validation of this format - this only shows up in dev"
:type ~(keyword (name format))))
(defmacro get-parse-exception [format raw-value]
`(mt/with-temp-env-var-value! [~(symbol (str "mb-" (validation-setting-symbol format))) ~raw-value]
(catch java.lang.Exception e# e#))))
(defn- assert-parser-exception! [format-type ex cause-message]
(is (= (format "Invalid %s configuration for setting: %s"
(u/upper-case-en (name format-type))
(validation-setting-symbol format-type))
(ex-message ex)))
(is (= cause-message (ex-message (ex-cause ex)))))
(define-setting-for-type :json)
(deftest valid-json-setting-test
(testing "Validation is a no-op if the JSON is valid"
(is (nil? (get-parse-exception :json "[1, 2]")))))
(deftest invalid-json-setting-test
(testing "Validation will throw an exception if a setting has invalid JSON via an environment variable"
(let [ex (get-parse-exception "[1, 2,")]
(let [ex (get-parse-exception :json "[1, 2,")]
:json ex
;; TODO it would be safe to expose the raw Jackson exception here, we could improve redaction logic
#_(str "Unexpected end-of-input within/between Array entries\n"
" at [Source: REDACTED (`StreamReadFeature.INCLUDE_SOURCE_IN_LOCATION` disabled); line: 1, column: 7]")
ex "Error of type class com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException thrown while parsing a setting"))))
"Error of type class com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException thrown while parsing a setting"))))
(deftest sensitive-data-redacted-test
(testing "The exception thrown by validation will not contain sensitive info from the config"
(let [password "$ekr3t"
ex (get-parse-exception (str "[" password))]
ex (get-parse-exception :json (str "[" password))]
(is (not (str/includes? (pr-str ex) password)))
ex "Error of type class com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException thrown while parsing a setting"))))
:json ex "Error of type class com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException thrown while parsing a setting"))))
(deftest safe-exceptions-not-redacted-test
(testing "An exception known not to contain sensitive info will not be redacted"
(let [password "123abc"
ex (get-parse-exception "{\"a\": \"123abc\", \"b\": 2")]
ex (get-parse-exception :json "{\"a\": \"123abc\", \"b\": 2")]
(is (not (str/includes? (pr-str ex) password)))
:json ex
(str "Unexpected end-of-input: expected close marker for Object (start marker at [Source: REDACTED"
" (`StreamReadFeature.INCLUDE_SOURCE_IN_LOCATION` disabled); line: 1, column: 1])\n"
" at [Source: REDACTED (`StreamReadFeature.INCLUDE_SOURCE_IN_LOCATION` disabled); line: 1, column: 23]")))))
(define-setting-for-type :csv)
(deftest valid-csv-setting-test
(testing "Validation is a no-op if the CSV is valid"
(is (nil? (get-parse-exception :csv "1, 2")))))
(deftest invalid-csv-setting-eof-test
(testing "Validation will throw an exception if a setting has invalid CSV via an environment variable"
(let [ex (get-parse-exception :csv "1,2,2,\",,")]
:csv ex "CSV error (unexpected end of file)"))))
(deftest invalid-csv-setting-char-test
(testing "Validation will throw an exception if a setting has invalid CSV via an environment variable"
(let [ex (get-parse-exception :csv "\"1\"$ekr3t")]
:csv ex
;; we don't expose the raw exception here, as it would give away the first character of the secret
#_"CSV error (unexpected character: $)"
"Error of type class java.lang.Exception thrown while parsing a setting"))))
(define-setting-for-type :boolean)
(deftest valid-boolean-setting-test
(testing "Validation is a no-op if the string represents a boolean"
(is (nil? (get-parse-exception :boolean "")))
(is (nil? (get-parse-exception :boolean "true")))
(is (nil? (get-parse-exception :boolean "false")))))
(deftest invalid-boolean-setting-test
(doseq [raw-value ["0" "1" "2" "a" ":b" "[true]"]]
(testing (format "Validation will throw an exception when trying to parse %s as a boolean" raw-value)
(let [ex (get-parse-exception :boolean raw-value)]
:boolean ex "Invalid value for string: must be either \"true\" or \"false\" (case-insensitive).")))))
(define-setting-for-type :double)
(deftest valid-double-setting-test
(testing "Validation is a no-op if the string represents a double"
(is (nil? (get-parse-exception :double "1")))
(is (nil? (get-parse-exception :double "-1")))
(is (nil? (get-parse-exception :double "2.4")))
(is (nil? (get-parse-exception :double "1e9")))))
(deftest invalid-double-setting-test
(doseq [raw-value ["a" "1.2.3" "0x3" "[2]"]]
(testing (format "Validation will throw an exception when trying to parse %s as a double" raw-value)
(let [ex (get-parse-exception :double raw-value)]
#_"For input string: \"{raw-value}\""
:double ex "Error of type class java.lang.NumberFormatException thrown while parsing a setting")))))
(define-setting-for-type :keyword)
(deftest valid-keyword-setting-test
(testing "Validation is a no-op if the string represents a keyword"
(is (nil? (get-parse-exception :keyword "1")))
(is (nil? (get-parse-exception :keyword "a")))
(is (nil? (get-parse-exception :keyword "a/b")))
;; [[keyword]] actually accepts any string without complaint, there is no way to have a parse failure
(is (nil? (get-parse-exception :keyword ":a/b")))
(is (nil? (get-parse-exception :keyword "a/b/c")))
(is (nil? (get-parse-exception :keyword "\"")))))
(define-setting-for-type :integer)
(deftest valid-integer-setting-test
(testing "Validation is a no-op if the string represents a integer"
(is (nil? (get-parse-exception :integer "1")))
(is (nil? (get-parse-exception :integer "-1")))))
(deftest invalid-integer-setting-test
(doseq [raw-value ["a" "2.4" "1e9" "1.2.3" "0x3" "[2]"]]
(testing (format "Validation will throw an exception when trying to parse %s as a integer" raw-value)
(let [ex (get-parse-exception :integer raw-value)]
#_"For input string: \"{raw-value}\""
:integer ex "Error of type class java.lang.NumberFormatException thrown while parsing a setting")))))
(define-setting-for-type :positive-integer)
(deftest valid-positive-integer-setting-test
(testing "Validation is a no-op if the string represents a positive-integer"
(is (nil? (get-parse-exception :positive-integer "1")))
;; somewhat un-intuitively this is legal input, and parses to nil
(is (nil? (get-parse-exception :positive-integer "-1")))))
(deftest invalid-positive-integer-setting-test
(doseq [raw-value ["a" "2.4" "1e9" "1.2.3" "0x3" "[2]"]]
(testing (format "Validation will throw an exception when trying to parse %s as a positive-integer" raw-value)
(let [ex (get-parse-exception :positive-integer raw-value)]
#_"For input string: \"{raw-value}\""
:positive-integer ex "Error of type class java.lang.NumberFormatException thrown while parsing a setting")))))
(define-setting-for-type :timestamp)
(deftest valid-timestamp-setting-test
(testing "Validation is a no-op if the string represents a timestamp"
(is (nil? (get-parse-exception :timestamp "2024-01-01")))))
(deftest invalid-timestamp-setting-test
(testing "Validation will throw an exception when trying to parse an invalid timestamp"
(let [ex (get-parse-exception :timestamp "2024-01-48")]
#_"Text '{raw-value}' could not be parsed, unparsed text found at index 0"
:timestamp ex "Error of type class java.time.format.DateTimeParseException thrown while parsing a setting"))))
(defn ns-validation-setting-symbol [format]
(symbol "metabase.models.setting-test" (name (validation-setting-symbol format))))
(deftest validation-completeness-test
(let [string-formats #{:string :metabase.public-settings/uuid-nonce}
formats-to-check (remove string-formats (keys (methods setting/get-value-of-type)))]
(testing "Every settings format has its redaction predicate defined"
(doseq [format formats-to-check]
(testing (format "We have defined a redaction multimethod for the %s format" format)
(is (some? (format (methods setting/may-contain-raw-token?)))))))
(testing "Every settings format has tests for its validation"
(doseq [format formats-to-check]
;; We operate on trust that tests are added along with this var
(testing (format "We have defined a setting for the %s validation tests" format)
(is (var? (resolve (ns-validation-setting-symbol format)))))))))
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