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Unverified Commit c84aaa01 authored by github-automation-metabase's avatar github-automation-metabase Committed by GitHub
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Fix the zoom-in.timeseries drill for multi-stage queries (#50970) (#51118)

* Fix the zoom-in.timeseries drill for multi-stage queries

If no dimensions are provided to the zoom-in.timeseries drill, then attempt to find the matching dimension from the FE-provided row data instead, if present.

Related to

* Only return zoom-in.timeseries drills for clicks on aggregated columns

Co-authored-by: default avatarappleby <>
parent 8c17699a
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......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
[metabase.lib.hierarchy :as lib.hierarchy]
[metabase.lib.metadata.calculation :as lib.metadata.calculation]
[metabase.lib.underlying :as lib.underlying]
[metabase.lib.util :as lib.util]))
(defn mbql-stage?
......@@ -46,3 +47,35 @@
"Convert a drill value to a JS value"
(if (= value :null) nil value))
(defn- has-source-or-underyling-source-fn
(fn has-source?
(= (:lib/source column) source))
([query column]
(seq column)
(or (has-source? column)
(has-source? (lib.underlying/top-level-column query column)))))))
(def aggregation-sourced?
"Does column or top-level-column have :source/aggregations?"
(has-source-or-underyling-source-fn :source/aggregations))
(def breakout-sourced?
"Does column or top-level-column have :source/breakouts?"
(has-source-or-underyling-source-fn :source/breakouts))
(defn strictly-underyling-aggregation?
"Does the top-level-column for `column` in `query` have :source/aggregations?"
[query column]
(and (not (aggregation-sourced? column))
(aggregation-sourced? query column)))
(defn dimensions-from-breakout-columns
"Convert `row` data into dimensions for `column`s that come from an aggregation in a previous stage."
[query column row]
(when (strictly-underyling-aggregation? query column)
(not-empty (filterv #(breakout-sourced? query (:column %))
......@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
- `dimensions` have a date or datetime column with `year`, `quarter`, `month`, `week`, `day`, `hour` temporal unit.
For other units, or when there is no temporal bucketing, this drill cannot be applied. Changing `hour` to `minute`
ends the sequence for datetime columns (`week` to `day` for date columns). Only the first matching column would be
used in query transformation.
used in query transformation. If `dimensions` are not provided, `row` data will instead be used to try to find a
- `displayInfo` returns `displayName` with `See this {0} by {1}` string using the current and the next available
temporal unit.
......@@ -45,6 +46,7 @@
[metabase.lib.schema.drill-thru :as lib.schema.drill-thru]
[metabase.lib.schema.temporal-bucketing :as lib.schema.temporal-bucketing]
[metabase.lib.temporal-bucket :as lib.temporal-bucket]
[metabase.lib.underlying :as lib.underlying]
[metabase.lib.util :as lib.util]
[metabase.util.i18n :as i18n]
[metabase.util.malli :as mu]))
......@@ -62,14 +64,22 @@
[query :- ::lib.schema/query
stage-number :- :int
dimensions :- [:sequential ::lib.schema.drill-thru/context.row.value]]
(first (for [breakout (lib.breakout/breakouts query stage-number)
:when (and (lib.util/clause-of-type? breakout :field)
(lib.temporal-bucket/temporal-bucket breakout))
(first (for [[breakout-ref breakout-col] (map vector
(lib.breakout/breakouts query stage-number)
(lib.breakout/breakouts-metadata query stage-number))
:when (and (lib.util/clause-of-type? breakout-ref :field)
(lib.temporal-bucket/temporal-bucket breakout-ref))
{:keys [column] :as dimension} dimensions
:when (and (lib.equality/find-matching-column breakout [column])
(= (lib.temporal-bucket/temporal-bucket breakout)
(lib.temporal-bucket/temporal-bucket column)))]
(assoc dimension :column-ref breakout))))
:when (and (lib.equality/find-matching-column breakout-ref [column])
(= (lib.temporal-bucket/raw-temporal-bucket breakout-ref)
(or (lib.temporal-bucket/raw-temporal-bucket column)
;; If query is multi-stage and column comes from a call
;; to [[lib.calculation/returned-columns]], then it may have an
;; :inherited-temporal-unit instead of a :temporal-unit.
(:inherited-temporal-unit column))))]
;; If stage-number is not -1, then the column from the input dimension will be from the last stage,
;; whereas breakout-col will be the corresponding breakout column from [[lib.underlying/top-level-stage]].
(assoc dimension :column breakout-col :column-ref breakout-ref))))
(mu/defn- next-breakout-unit :- [:maybe ::lib.schema.drill-thru/]
[query :- ::lib.schema/query
......@@ -96,27 +106,34 @@
For example: The month of a year, days or weeks of a quarter, smaller lat/long regions, etc.
This is different from the `:drill-thru/zoom` type, which is for showing the details of a single object."
[query :- ::lib.schema/query
stage-number :- :int
{:keys [dimensions], :as _context} :- ::lib.schema.drill-thru/context]
(when (and (lib.drill-thru.common/mbql-stage? query stage-number)
(not-empty dimensions))
(when-let [{:keys [value column-ref], :as dimension} (matching-breakout-dimension query stage-number dimensions)]
(when value
(when-let [next-unit (next-breakout-unit query stage-number column-ref)]
{:lib/type :metabase.lib.drill-thru/drill-thru
:display-name (describe-next-unit next-unit)
:type :drill-thru/zoom-in.timeseries
:dimension dimension
:next-unit next-unit})))))
[query :- ::lib.schema/query
_stage-number :- :int
{:keys [column dimensions row], :as _context} :- ::lib.schema.drill-thru/context]
;; For multi-stage queries, we want the stage-number of the underlying stage with breakouts or aggregations.
;; In such cases, the FE will not pass dimensions, so use the row data instead, if available.
(let [stage-number (lib.underlying/top-level-stage-number query)
dimensions (or (not-empty dimensions)
(lib.drill-thru.common/dimensions-from-breakout-columns query column row))]
(when (and (lib.drill-thru.common/mbql-stage? query stage-number)
(when-let [{:keys [value column-ref], :as dimension}
(matching-breakout-dimension query stage-number dimensions)]
(when value
(when-let [next-unit (next-breakout-unit query stage-number column-ref)]
{:lib/type :metabase.lib.drill-thru/drill-thru
:display-name (describe-next-unit next-unit)
:type :drill-thru/zoom-in.timeseries
:dimension dimension
:next-unit next-unit}))))))
(mu/defmethod lib.drill-thru.common/drill-thru-method :drill-thru/zoom-in.timeseries
[query :- ::lib.schema/query
stage-number :- :int
_stage-number :- :int
{:keys [dimension next-unit]} :- ::lib.schema.drill-thru/drill-thru.zoom-in.timeseries]
(let [{:keys [column value]} dimension
old-breakout (:column-ref dimension)
new-breakout (lib.temporal-bucket/with-temporal-bucket old-breakout next-unit)]
new-breakout (lib.temporal-bucket/with-temporal-bucket old-breakout next-unit)
stage-number (lib.underlying/top-level-stage-number query)]
(-> query
(lib.filter/filter stage-number (lib.filter/= column value))
(lib.remove-replace/replace-clause stage-number old-breakout new-breakout))))
......@@ -100,8 +100,8 @@
;; the [[lib.metadata.calculation/*propagate-inherited-temoral-unit*]] is thruthy, ie. bound. Intent
;; is to pass it from ref to column only during [[returned-columns]] call. Otherwise eg.
;; [[orderable-columns]] would contain that too. That could be problematic, because original ref that
;; contained `:temporal-unit` contains no `:inherent-temporal-unit`. If the column like this was used
;; to generate ref for eg. order by it would contain the `:inherent-temporal-unit`, while
;; contained `:temporal-unit` contains no `:inherited-temporal-unit`. If the column like this was used
;; to generate ref for eg. order by it would contain the `:inherited-temporal-unit`, while
;; the original column (eg. in breakout) would not.
(let [inherited-temporal-unit-keys (cond-> (list :inherited-temporal-unit)
......@@ -15,31 +15,51 @@
[metabase.lib.util :as lib.util]
[metabase.util.malli :as mu]))
(mu/defn- pop-until-aggregation-or-breakout :- [:maybe ::lib.schema/query]
"Strips off any trailing stages that do not contain aggregations.
(mu/defn- pop-until-aggregation-or-breakout :- [:tuple [:maybe ::lib.schema/query] [:int {:max -1}]]
"Strips off any trailing stages that do not contain aggregations or breakouts.
If there are no such stages, returns nil."
Returns a tuple of [query, stage-number] where `query` is the first stage with aggregations or breakouts and
`stage-number` is the (negative) index of that stage relative to the original query.
If there are no such stages, returns [nil, -1]."
[query :- ::lib.schema/query]
(if (and (empty? (lib.aggregation/aggregations query -1))
(empty? (lib.breakout/breakouts query -1)))
;; No aggregations or breakouts in the last stage, so pop it off and recur.
(let [popped (update query :stages pop)]
(when (seq (:stages popped))
(recur popped)))
(loop [query query
i -1]
(if (and (empty? (lib.aggregation/aggregations query -1))
(empty? (lib.breakout/breakouts query -1)))
;; No aggregations or breakouts in the last stage, so pop it off and recur.
(let [popped (update query :stages pop)]
(if (seq (:stages popped))
(recur popped (dec i))
[nil, -1]))
[query, i])))
(mu/defn- query-database-supports? :- :boolean
[query :- ::lib.schema/query
feature :- :keyword]
(contains? (-> query lib.metadata/database :features) feature))
(mu/defn top-level-query :- ::lib.schema/query
"Returns the \"top-level\" query for the given query.
That means dropping any trailing filters, fields, etc. to get back to the last stage that has an aggregation. If there
are no stages with aggregations, the original query is returned.
That means dropping any trailing filters, fields, etc. to get back to the last stage that has an aggregation or
breakout. If there are no such stages, the original query is returned.
If the database does not support nested queries, this also returns the original."
If the database does not support nested queries, this also returns the original query."
[query :- ::lib.schema/query]
(or (when ((-> query lib.metadata/database :features) :nested-queries)
(pop-until-aggregation-or-breakout query))
(or (when (query-database-supports? query :nested-queries)
(first (pop-until-aggregation-or-breakout query)))
(mu/defn top-level-stage-number :- :int
"Returns the stage-number of the [[top-level-query]] for the given query.
If there are no such stages, or if the database does not supported nested queries, returns -1."
[query :- ::lib.schema/query]
(or (when (query-database-supports? query :nested-queries)
(second (pop-until-aggregation-or-breakout query)))
(mu/defn top-level-column :- ::lib.schema.metadata/column
"Given a column, returns the \"top-level\" equivalent.
......@@ -67,4 +87,4 @@
(mu/defn has-aggregation-or-breakout?
"Whether the `query` has an aggregation or breakout clause in some query stage."
[query :- ::lib.schema/query]
(some? (pop-until-aggregation-or-breakout query)))
(some? (first (pop-until-aggregation-or-breakout query))))
......@@ -189,33 +189,77 @@
{"CREATED_AT" "2022-12-01"}))))))
(deftest ^:parallel returns-zoom-in-timeseries-for-multi-stage-queries
{:drill-type :drill-thru/zoom-in.timeseries
:click-type :cell
:query-type :aggregated
:column-name "count"
:custom-query (let [base-query (-> (lib/query meta/metadata-provider (meta/table-metadata :orders))
(lib/aggregate (lib/count))
(lib/breakout (meta/field-metadata :orders :product-id))
(lib/breakout (-> (meta/field-metadata :orders :created-at)
(lib/with-temporal-bucket :month)))
count-col (m/find-first #(= (:name %) "count")
(lib/returned-columns base-query))
_ (is (some? count-col))]
(lib/filter base-query (lib/> count-col 0)))
:custom-row {"PRODUCT_ID" 3
"CREATED_AT" "2023-12-01"
"count" 77}
:expected {:type :drill-thru/zoom-in.timeseries
:next-unit :week
;; the "underlying" dimension is reconstructed from the row.
:dimension {:column {:name "CREATED_AT"
:lib/source :source/breakouts}
:column-ref [:field {} (meta/id :orders :created-at)]
:value "2023-12-01"}}}))
(deftest ^:parallel returns-zoom-in-timeseries-e2e-test-2
(testing "zoom-in.timeseries should be returned for a"
(let [query (-> (lib/query meta/metadata-provider (meta/table-metadata :orders))
(lib/aggregate (lib/count))
(lib/breakout (-> (meta/field-metadata :orders :created-at)
(lib/with-temporal-bucket :year))))
created-at-col (m/find-first #(= (:name %) "CREATED_AT")
(lib/returned-columns query))
_ (is (some? created-at-col))]
(doseq [[message context] {"pivot cell (no column, value = NULL) (#36173)"
{:value :null
:column nil
:column-ref nil
:dimensions [{:column created-at-col
:column-ref (lib/ref created-at-col)
:value "2022-12-01T00:00:00+02:00"}]}
(let [base-query (-> (lib/query meta/metadata-provider (meta/table-metadata :orders))
(lib/aggregate (lib/count))
(lib/breakout (-> (meta/field-metadata :orders :created-at)
(lib/with-temporal-bucket :year))))
created-at-col (m/find-first #(= (:name %) "CREATED_AT")
(lib/returned-columns base-query))
_ (is (some? created-at-col))
multi-stage-query (lib/append-stage base-query)
count-col (m/find-first #(= (:name %) "count")
(lib/returned-columns multi-stage-query))
_ (is (some? count-col))
multi-stage-query (lib/filter multi-stage-query (lib/> count-col 0))]
(doseq [[query-type query] {"single-stage" base-query
"multi-stage" multi-stage-query}
[message context] {"pivot cell (no column, value = NULL) (#36173)"
{:value :null
:column nil
:column-ref nil
:dimensions [{:column created-at-col
:column-ref (lib/ref created-at-col)
:value "2022-12-01T00:00:00+02:00"}]}
"legend item (no column, no value) (#36173)"
{:value nil
:column nil
:column-ref nil
:dimensions [{:column created-at-col
:column-ref (lib/ref created-at-col)
:value "2022-12-01T00:00:00+02:00"}]}}]
(testing message
"legend item (no column, no value) (#36173)"
{:value nil
:column nil
:column-ref nil
:dimensions [{:column created-at-col
:column-ref (lib/ref created-at-col)
:value "2022-12-01T00:00:00+02:00"}]}}]
(testing (str query-type " query: " message)
(let [[drill :as drills] (filter #(= (:type %) :drill-thru/zoom-in.timeseries)
(lib/available-drill-thrus query -1 context))]
(lib/available-drill-thrus query -1 context))
;; both queries have the base-query stage where the drill filter should be added
expected-stages (cond-> [{:aggregation [[:count {}]]
:breakout [[:field {:temporal-unit :quarter} (meta/id :orders :created-at)]],
:filters [[:=
[:field {:temporal-unit :year} (meta/id :orders :created-at)]
;; the multi-stage-query has an additional filter stage
(= query multi-stage-query) (conj {:filters
[[:> {} [:field {} "count"] 0]]}))]
(is (= 1
(count drills)))
(is (=? {:lib/type :metabase.lib.drill-thru/drill-thru
......@@ -225,43 +269,49 @@
:value "2022-12-01T00:00:00+02:00"}
:next-unit :quarter}
(is (=? {:stages [{:aggregation [[:count {}]]
:breakout [[:field {:temporal-unit :quarter} (meta/id :orders :created-at)]],
:filters [[:=
[:field {:temporal-unit :year} (meta/id :orders :created-at)]
(is (=? {:stages expected-stages}
(lib/drill-thru query -1 nil drill)))))))))
(deftest ^:parallel zoom-in-timeseries-unit-tower-test
(doseq [[unit1 unit2] datetime-unit-pairs]
(testing (str "zoom-in.timeseries for a DateTime column should zoom from " unit1 " to " unit2)
(let [query (-> (lib/query meta/metadata-provider (meta/table-metadata :orders))
(lib/aggregate (lib/count))
(lib/breakout (-> (meta/field-metadata :orders :created-at)
(lib/with-temporal-bucket unit1))))]
{:click-type :cell
:query-type :aggregated
:custom-query query
:custom-row {"count" 100
"CREATED_AT" "2022-12-09T11:22:33+02:00"}
:column-name "count"
:drill-type :drill-thru/zoom-in.timeseries
:expected {:type :drill-thru/zoom-in.timeseries
:display-name (str "See this " (name unit1) " by " (name unit2))
:dimension {:column {:name "CREATED_AT"}
:column-ref [:field {:temporal-unit unit1} (meta/id :orders :created-at)]
:value "2022-12-09T11:22:33+02:00"}
:next-unit unit2}
:expected-query {:stages [{:source-table (meta/id :orders)
:aggregation [[:count {}]]
:breakout [[:field
{:temporal-unit unit2}
(meta/id :orders :created-at)]]
:filters [[:= {}
[:field {:temporal-unit unit1} (meta/id :orders :created-at)]
(let [base-query (-> (lib/query meta/metadata-provider (meta/table-metadata :orders))
(lib/aggregate (lib/count))
(lib/breakout (-> (meta/field-metadata :orders :created-at)
(lib/with-temporal-bucket unit1))))
multi-stage-query (lib/append-stage base-query)
count-col (m/find-first #(= (:name %) "count")
(lib/returned-columns multi-stage-query))
_ (is (some? count-col))
multi-stage-query (lib/filter multi-stage-query (lib/> count-col 0))]
(doseq [[query-type query] {"single-stage" base-query
"multi-stage" multi-stage-query}]
(testing (str "zoom-in.timeseries for a DateTime column in a " query-type " query should zoom from " unit1 " to " unit2)
(let [expected-stages (cond-> [{:source-table (meta/id :orders)
:aggregation [[:count {}]]
:breakout [[:field
{:temporal-unit unit2}
(meta/id :orders :created-at)]]
:filters [[:= {}
[:field {:temporal-unit unit1} (meta/id :orders :created-at)]
;; the multi-stage-query has an additional filter stage
(= query multi-stage-query) (conj {:filters
[[:> {} [:field {} "count"] 0]]}))]
{:click-type :cell
:query-type :aggregated
:custom-query query
:custom-row {"count" 100
"CREATED_AT" "2022-12-09T11:22:33+02:00"}
:column-name "count"
:drill-type :drill-thru/zoom-in.timeseries
:expected {:type :drill-thru/zoom-in.timeseries
:display-name (str "See this " (name unit1) " by " (name unit2))
:dimension {:column {:name "CREATED_AT"}
:column-ref [:field {:temporal-unit unit1} (meta/id :orders :created-at)]
:value "2022-12-09T11:22:33+02:00"}
:next-unit unit2}
:expected-query {:stages expected-stages}})))))))
(deftest ^:parallel zoom-in-timeseries-unit-tower-test-2
(doseq [[unit1 unit2] date-unit-pairs]
......@@ -554,11 +554,10 @@
columns (lib/returned-columns query)
sum (by-name columns "sum")
breakout (by-name columns "CREATED_AT")
sum-dim {:column sum
:column-ref (lib/ref sum)
:value 42295.12}
breakout-dim {:column breakout
breakout-dim {:column (first (lib/breakouts-metadata query))
:column-ref (first (lib/breakouts query))
:value "2024-11-01T00:00:00Z"}
context (merge sum-dim
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