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Unverified Commit f1a8da7e authored by Cam Saul's avatar Cam Saul Committed by GitHub
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`POST /api/ee/serialization/serialize/data-model` endpoint (#25640)

* `POST /` endpoint

* Sort namespaces

* Don't use `tru` for endpoint params validation
parent ae559d7e
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with 273 additions and 30 deletions
......@@ -416,6 +416,7 @@ clojure.core/def
metabase.test/defdataset clojure.core/def
metabase.test/with-open-channels clojure.core/let
metabase.test/with-temp-dir clojure.core/let
metabase.test/with-temp-file clojure.core/let
metabase.test/with-user-in-groups clojure.core/let
metabase.util.files/with-open-path-to-resource clojure.core/let
......@@ -4,12 +4,16 @@
These routes should generally live under prefixes like `/api/ee/<feature>/` -- see the
`enterprise/backend/` for more details."
(:require [compojure.core :as compojure]
[metabase-enterprise.advanced-permissions.api.routes :as advanced-permissions]
[metabase-enterprise.api.routes.common :as ee.api.common]
[metabase-enterprise.audit-app.api.routes :as audit-app]
[metabase-enterprise.content-management.api.routes :as content-management]
[metabase-enterprise.sandbox.api.routes :as sandbox]))
[compojure.core :as compojure]
:as advanced-permissions]
[metabase-enterprise.api.routes.common :as ee.api.common]
[metabase-enterprise.audit-app.api.routes :as audit-app]
:as content-management]
[metabase-enterprise.sandbox.api.routes :as sandbox]
[metabase-enterprise.serialization.api.routes :as serialization]))
(compojure/defroutes ^{:doc "API routes only available when running Metabase® Enterprise Edition™."} routes
;; The following routes are NAUGHTY and do not follow the naming convention (i.e., they do not start with
......@@ -27,4 +31,7 @@
(ee.api.common/+require-premium-feature :audit-app audit-app/routes))
"/advanced-permissions" []
(ee.api.common/+require-premium-feature :advanced-permissions advanced-permissions/routes))))
(ee.api.common/+require-premium-feature :advanced-permissions advanced-permissions/routes))
"/serialization" []
(ee.api.common/+require-premium-feature :serialization serialization/routes))))
(ns metabase-enterprise.serialization.api.routes
"/api/ee/serialization/ routes"
[compojure.core :as compojure]
;;; all these routes require the `:serialization` premium feature; this is done
;;; in [[metabase-enterprise.api.routes/routes]]
(compojure/defroutes ^{:doc "Routes for serialization endpoints."} routes
(ns metabase-enterprise.serialization.api.serialize
"/api/ee/serialization/serialize endpoints"
[clojure.set :as set]
[compojure.core :as compojure :refer [POST]]
[metabase-enterprise.serialization.cmd :as serialization.cmd]
[metabase.api.common :as api]
[metabase.models.collection :refer [Collection]]
[metabase.util.i18n :refer [tru]]
[metabase.util.schema :as su]
[toucan.db :as db]))
(api/defendpoint POST "/data-model"
"This endpoint should serialize: the data model, settings.yaml, and all the selected Collections
The data model should only change if the user triggers a manual sync or scan (since the scheduler is turned off)
The user will need to add somewhere (probably in the admin panel):
- A path (maybe we can assume it will always dump to the same path as the Metabase jar, but we probably want to let
them define the path)
- The collections that they want to serialize (using selective serialization)"
[:as {{:keys [collection_ids path]} :body}]
{collection_ids (su/with-api-error-message
(su/distinct (su/non-empty [su/IntGreaterThanZero]))
"Non-empty, distinct array of Collection IDs")
path (su/with-api-error-message su/NonBlankString
"Valid directory to serialize results to")}
;; Make sure all the specified collection IDs exist.
(let [existing-collection-ids (db/select-ids Collection :id [:in (set collection_ids)])]
(when-not (= (set collection_ids) (set existing-collection-ids))
(throw (ex-info (tru "Invalid Collection ID(s). These Collections do not exist: {0}"
(pr-str (set/difference (set collection_ids) (set existing-collection-ids))))
{:status-code 404}))))
(serialization.cmd/dump path
{:v2 true
:targets (for [collection-id collection_ids]
["Collection" collection-id])})
;; TODO -- not 100% sure this response makes sense. We can change it later with something more meaningful maybe
{:status :ok})
;; for now let's say you have to be an admin to hit any of the serialization endpoints
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
(deferred-trs "invalid context seed value")))
(s/defn v1-load
"Load serialized metabase instance as created by `dump` command from directory `path`."
"Load serialized metabase instance as created by [[dump]] command from directory `path`."
[path context :- Context]
......@@ -176,10 +176,16 @@
(log/info (trs "END DUMP to {0} via user {1}" path user)))
(defn- v2-extract [opts]
(if (:collections opts)
(v2.extract/extract-subtrees (assoc opts :targets (for [c (str/split (:collections opts) #",")]
["Collection" (Integer/parseInt c)])))
(v2.extract/extract-metabase opts)))
;; if opts has `collections` (a comma-separated string) then convert those to a list of `:targets`
(let [opts (cond-> opts
(:collections opts)
(assoc :targets (for [c (str/split (:collections opts) #",")]
["Collection" (Integer/parseInt c)])))]
;; if we have `:targets` (either because we created them from `:collections`, or because they were specified
;; elsewhere) use [[v2.extract/extract-subtrees]]
(if (:targets opts)
(v2.extract/extract-subtrees opts)
(v2.extract/extract-metabase opts))))
(defn- v2-dump [path opts]
(-> (v2-extract opts)
......@@ -190,7 +196,9 @@
[path {:keys [state user v2]
:or {state :active}
:as opts}]
(mdb/setup-db!) (db/select 'User)
(log/tracef "Dumping to %s with options %s" (pr-str path) (pr-str opts))
(db/select User) ;; TODO -- why???
(if v2
(v2-dump path opts)
(v1-dump path state user opts)))
......@@ -2,10 +2,12 @@
"Extraction is the first step in serializing a Metabase appdb so it can be eg. written to disk.
See the detailed descriptions of the (de)serialization processes in [[metabase.models.serialization.base]]."
(:require [clojure.set :as set]
[medley.core :as m]
[metabase-enterprise.serialization.v2.models :as serdes.models]
[metabase.models.serialization.base :as serdes.base]))
[clojure.set :as set]
[ :as log]
[medley.core :as m]
[metabase-enterprise.serialization.v2.models :as serdes.models]
[metabase.models.serialization.base :as serdes.base]))
(defn extract-metabase
"Extracts the appdb into a reducible stream of serializable maps, with `:serdes/meta` keys.
......@@ -16,6 +18,7 @@
Takes an options map which is passed on to [[serdes.base/extract-all]] for each model. The options are documented
(log/tracef "Extracting Metabase with options: %s" (pr-str opts))
(let [model-pred (if (:data-model-only opts)
#{"Database" "Dimension" "Field" "FieldValues" "Metric" "Segment" "Table"}
(constantly true))]
......@@ -43,10 +46,11 @@
complete transitive closure of all descendants is found. This produces a set of `[\"ModelName\" id]` pairs, which
entities are then extracted the same way as [[extract-metabase]]."
[{:keys [targets] :as opts}]
(log/tracef "Extracting subtrees with options: %s" (pr-str opts))
(let [closure (descendants-closure targets)
by-model (->> closure
(group-by first)
(m/map-vals #(set (map second %))))]
(group-by first)
(m/map-vals #(set (map second %))))]
(eduction cat (for [[model ids] by-model]
(eduction (map #(serdes.base/extract-one model opts %))
(serdes.base/raw-reducible-query model {:where [:in :id ids]}))))))
(ns metabase-enterprise.serialization.api.serialize-test
[clojure.test :refer :all]
[metabase.models :refer [Card Collection Dashboard DashboardCard]]
:as premium-features-test]
[metabase.test :as mt]
[metabase.util.files :as u.files]
[toucan.db :as db]))
(defn- do-serialize-data-model [f]
(premium-features-test/with-premium-features #{:serialization}
(mt/with-temp* [Collection [{collection-id :id}]
Dashboard [{dashboard-id :id} {:collection_id collection-id}]
Card [{card-id :id} {:collection_id collection-id}]
DashboardCard [_ {:card_id card-id, :dashboard_id dashboard-id}]]
(testing "Sanity Check"
(is (integer? collection-id))
(is (= collection-id
(db/select-one-field :collection_id Card :id card-id))))
(mt/with-temp-dir [dir "serdes-dir"]
(f {:collection-id collection-id, :dir dir})))))
(deftest serialize-data-model-happy-path-test
(fn [{:keys [collection-id dir]}]
(is (= {:status "ok"}
(mt/user-http-request :crowberto :post 200 "ee/serialization/serialize/data-model"
{:collection_ids [collection-id]
:path dir})))
(testing "Created files"
(letfn [(path-files [path]
(sort (map str (u.files/files-seq path))))
(files [& path-components]
(path-files (apply u.files/get-path dir path-components)))]
(is (= ["/tmp/serdes-dir/Card"
(testing "subdirs"
(testing "Card"
(is (= 1
(count (files "Card")))))
(testing "Collection"
(is (= 1
(count (files "Collection")))))
(testing "Dashboard"
(is (= 2
(count (files "Dashboard"))))
(let [[f1 f2] (files "Dashboard")
[path-1 path-2] (map u.files/get-path [f1 f2])]
(testing "Should have one subdirectory"
(is (= 1
(count (filter true? (map u.files/regular-file? [path-1 path-2]))))))
(let [subdirectory-path (first (remove u.files/regular-file? [path-1 path-2]))]
(is (= 1
(count (path-files subdirectory-path)))))))))))))
(deftest serialize-data-model-validation-test
(fn [{:keys [collection-id dir]}]
(let [good-request {:collection_ids [collection-id]
:path dir}
serialize! (fn [& {:keys [expected-status-code
:or {expected-status-code 400
request good-request
user :crowberto}}]
(mt/user-http-request user :post expected-status-code "ee/serialization/serialize/data-model"
(testing "Require a EE token with the `:serialization` feature"
(premium-features-test/with-premium-features #{}
(is (= "This API endpoint is only enabled if you have a premium token with the :serialization feature."
(serialize! :expected-status-code 402)))))
(testing "Require current user to be a superuser"
(is (= "You don't have permissions to do that."
(serialize! :user :rasta, :expected-status-code 403))))
(testing "Require valid collection_ids"
(testing "Non-empty"
(is (= {:errors {:collection_ids "Non-empty, distinct array of Collection IDs"}}
(serialize! :request (dissoc good-request :collection_ids))
(serialize! :request (assoc good-request :collection_ids nil))
(serialize! :request (assoc good-request :collection_ids [])))))
(testing "No duplicates"
(is (= {:errors {:collection_ids "Non-empty, distinct array of Collection IDs"}}
(serialize! :request (assoc good-request :collection_ids [collection-id collection-id])))))
(testing "All Collections must exist"
(is (= (format "Invalid Collection ID(s). These Collections do not exist: #{%d}" Integer/MAX_VALUE)
(serialize! :request (assoc good-request :collection_ids [collection-id Integer/MAX_VALUE])
:expected-status-code 404))))
(testing "Invalid value"
(is (= {:errors {:collection_ids "Non-empty, distinct array of Collection IDs"}}
(serialize! :request (assoc good-request :collection_ids collection-id))
(serialize! :request (assoc good-request :collection_ids "My Collection"))))))
(testing "Validate 'path' parameter"
(is (= {:errors {:path "Valid directory to serialize results to"}}
(serialize! :request (dissoc good-request :path))
(serialize! :request (assoc good-request :path ""))
(serialize! :request (assoc good-request :path 1000)))))))))
......@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@
- NO numeric database IDs!
- Any foreign keys should be hydrated and the identity-hash of the foreign entity used as part of the hash.
- There's a [[hydrated-hash]] helper for this with several example uses."
(:require [potemkin.types :as p.types]
[toucan.hydrate :refer [hydrate]]))
[metabase.util.i18n :refer [tru]]
[potemkin.types :as p.types]
[toucan.hydrate :refer [hydrate]]))
;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
;;; | Identity Hashes |
......@@ -44,7 +46,14 @@
"Hashes a Clojure value into an 8-character hex string, which is used as the identity hash.
Don't call this outside a test, use [[identity-hash]] instead."
(format "%08x" (hash target)))
(when (sequential? target)
(assert (seq target) "target cannot be an empty sequence"))
(format "%08x" (hash target))
(catch Throwable e
(throw (ex-info (tru "Error calculating raw hash: {0}" (ex-message e))
{:target target}
(defn identity-hash
"Given a modeled entity, return its identity hash for use in serialization. The hash is an 8-character hex string.
......@@ -52,16 +61,26 @@
These hashes are intended to be a decently robust fallback for older entities whose `entity_id` fields are not
(-> (for [f (identity-hash-fields entity)]
(f entity))
{:pre [(some? entity)]}
(-> (for [f (identity-hash-fields entity)]
(f entity))
(catch Throwable e
(throw (ex-info (tru "Error calculating identity hash: {0}" (ex-message e))
{:entity entity}
(defn hydrated-hash
"Many entities reference other entities. Using the autoincrementing ID is not portable, so we use the identity hash
of the referenced entity. This is a helper for writing [[identity-hash-fields]]."
(fn [entity]
(-> entity
(hydrate hydration-key)
(get hydration-key)
(let [hydrated-value (get (hydrate entity hydration-key) hydration-key)]
(when (nil? hydrated-value)
(throw (ex-info (tru "Error calculating hydrated hash: {0} is nil after hydrating {1}"
(pr-str hydration-key)
(name entity))
{:entity entity
:hydration-key hydration-key})))
(identity-hash hydrated-value))))
......@@ -237,6 +237,10 @@
(define-premium-feature ^{:added "0.45.0"} enable-serialization?
"Enable the v2 SerDes functionality"
(defsetting is-hosted?
"Is the Metabase instance running in the cloud?"
:type :boolean
......@@ -211,6 +211,7 @@
......@@ -1054,11 +1054,13 @@
(io/delete-file (io/file filename) :silently)))))
(defmacro with-temp-file
"Execute `body` with newly created temporary file(s) in the system temporary directory. You may optionally specify the
"Execute `body` with a path for temporary file(s) in the system temporary directory. You may optionally specify the
`filename` (without directory components) to be created in the temp directory; if `filename` is nil, a random
filename will be used. The file will be deleted if it already exists, but will not be touched; use `spit` to load
something in to it.
;; create a random temp filename. File is deleted if it already exists.
(with-temp-file [filename]
......@@ -1118,6 +1120,24 @@
`(with-temp-file [])
`(with-temp-file (+ 1 2)))))
(defn do-with-temp-dir
"Impl for [[with-temp-dir]] macro."
[temp-dir-name f]
(^:once fn* [path]
(let [file (io/file path)]
(when (.exists file)
( file)))
(u.files/create-dir-if-not-exists! (u.files/get-path path))
(f path))))
(defmacro with-temp-dir
"Like [[with-temp-file]], but creates a new temporary directory in the system temp dir. Deletes existing directory if
it already exists."
[[directory-binding dir-name] & body]
`(do-with-temp-dir ~dir-name (^:once fn* [~directory-binding] ~@body)))
(defn do-with-user-in-groups
([f groups-or-ids]
(tt/with-temp User [user]
(ns metabase.util.files-test
[clojure.test :refer :all]
[metabase.test :as mt]
[metabase.util.files :as u.files]))
(deftest is-regular-file-test
(mt/with-temp-file [file "temp-file"]
(testing (format "file = %s" (pr-str file))
(spit file "abc")
(is (u.files/regular-file? (u.files/get-path file)))))
(mt/with-temp-dir [dir "temp-dir"]
(testing (format "dir = %s" (pr-str dir)))
(let [file-in-dir (str (u.files/get-path dir "file"))]
(testing (format "file = %s" (pr-str file-in-dir))
(spit file-in-dir "abc") ; create a file in the dir to make sure it exists
(is (u.files/regular-file? (u.files/get-path file-in-dir)))))
(is (not (u.files/regular-file? (u.files/get-path dir))))))
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