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  1. Mar 15, 2021
    • dpsutton's avatar
      Semantic types 2 effective type (#15022) · 6b8ddc84
      dpsutton authored
      * First pass using coercions
      * Coercions
      * Handle effective_type coercion_strategy in test data sets
      * special-type -> semantic type in sample db
      user> (def config (metabase.db.spec/h2 {:db (str "/Users/dan/projects/clojure/metabase/resources/sample-dataset.db"
      user> (jdbc/execute! config ["UPDATE _metabase_metadata
                              SET keypath = 'PEOPLE.ZIP.semantic_type'
                              WHERE keypath = 'PEOPLE.ZIP.special_type'" ])
      user> (jdbc/execute! config ["UPDATE _metabase_metadata
                              SET keypath = 'REVIEWS.BODY.semantic_type'
                              WHERE keypath = 'REVIEWS.BODY.special_type'" ])
      * Correct mismatch in validation preventing sync
      * fixing up alternative date tests
      * More passing tests
      * Tests for values, nested queries, fetch metadata
      * tests
      * tests passing
      * Fixup mongo qp for coercions
      locally i have some failing tests that are off by 1 errors:
      Fail in compile-time-interval-test
      [36m:mongo[0m Make sure time-intervals work the way they're supposed to. [:time-interval $date -4 :month] should give us something like Oct 01 2020 - Feb 01 2021 if today is Feb 17 2021
      expected: [{$match {$and [{:$expr {$gte [$date {:$dateFromString {:dateString 2020-10-01T00:00Z}}]}} {:$expr {$lt [$date {:$dateFromString {:dateString 2021-02-01T00:00Z}}]}}]}} {$group {_id {date~~~day {:$let {:vars {:parts {:$dateToParts {:date $date}}}, :in {:$dateFromParts {:year $$parts.year, :month $$parts.month, :day $$}}}}}}} {$sort {_id 1}} {$project {_id false, date~~~day $}} {$sort {date~~~day 1}} {$limit 1048576}]
        actual: [{"$match"
                   [{:$expr {"$gte" ["$date" {:$dateFromString {:dateString "2020-11-01T00:00Z"}}]}}
                    {:$expr {"$lt" ["$date" {:$dateFromString {:dateString "2021-03-01T00:00Z"}}]}}]}}
                     {:vars {:parts {:$dateToParts {:date "$date"}}},
                      :in {:$dateFromParts {:year "$$parts.year", :month "$$parts.month", :day "$$"}}}}}}}
                 {"$sort" {"_id" 1}}
                 {"$project" {"_id" false, "date~~~day" "$"}}
                 {"$sort" {"date~~~day" 1}}
                 {"$limit" 1048576}]
          diff: - [{"$match"
                     [{:$expr {"$gte" [nil {:$dateFromString {:dateString "2020-10-01T00:00Z"}}]}}
                      {:$expr {"$lt" [nil {:$dateFromString {:dateString "2021-02-01T00:00Z"}}]}}]}}]
                + [{"$match"
                     [{:$expr {"$gte" [nil {:$dateFromString {:dateString "2020-11-01T00:00Z"}}]}}
                      {:$expr {"$lt" [nil {:$dateFromString {:dateString "2021-03-01T00:00Z"}}]}}]}}]
      * ee fixes
      * UI to set coercion type
      * Don't need to populate effective-type here
      it actually has knock on effects:
      - does more work now as almost every field has an update to do in
      - we have databases that have state that we don't create. druid for
      example has stuff to mimic the dataset in tqpt/with-flattened-dbdef on
      checkins but we don't actually create this. And our dbdef has a field
      called "date" that is not present in the druid db, so if we attempt to
      add metadata it fails and kills the rest of the metadata that we add.
      - tests need this metadata to be present and the error causes field
      visibilities (for example) to not be set
      * Docstrings on shared lib
      * Add effective and coercion to redshift expectations
      * Fixup google analytics
      * Derecordize instead of recordize the expectation
      object details didn't work out well here. they added way more stuff
      from the db than what is flowing through here.
        actual: {:field
                 {:name "DATE",
                  :parent_id nil,
                  :table_id 69,
                  :base_type :type/Date,
                  :effective_type :type/Date,
                  :coercion_strategy nil,
                  :semantic_type nil},
                 :value {:type :date/all-options, :value "past5days"}}
          diff: - {:field
                   {:description nil,
                    :database_type "VARCHAR",
                    :fingerprint_version 0,
                    :has_field_values nil,
                    :settings nil,
                    :caveats nil,
                    :fk_target_field_id nil,
                    :custom_position 0,
                    :active true,
                    :last_analyzed nil,
                    :position 1,
                    :visibility_type :normal,
                    :preview_display true,
                    :database_position 0,
                    :fingerprint nil,
                    :points_of_interest nil}}
      Object defaults adds quite a bit of stuff such that we'd be dissoc'ing
      more than we are currently adding in
      Co-authored-by: default avatarCam Saul <>
  2. Jan 29, 2021
  3. Apr 19, 2018
  4. Nov 02, 2017
  5. Nov 01, 2017
  6. Oct 30, 2017
  7. Oct 29, 2017
  8. Oct 27, 2017
  9. Sep 09, 2016
  10. Feb 10, 2016
  11. Jan 18, 2016
  12. Sep 23, 2015
  13. Aug 04, 2015