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  • robotics-at-maryland/qubo_gui
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......@@ -27,15 +27,15 @@
<class name="ExamplePlugin" type="qubo_gui.plugin2.Plugin2" base_class_type="rqt_gui_py::Plugin">
<class name="TeleopPlugin" type="qubo_gui.teleop.TeleopPlugin" base_class_type="rqt_gui_py::Plugin">
An example Python GUI plugin to create a great user interface.
Operate Qubo manually and autonomously.
<label>Qubo Control</label>
<label>another plugin of mine</label>
<label>Qubo Teleop</label>
<icon type="theme">system-help</icon>
<statustip>Great user interface to provide real value.</statustip>
from inputs import get_gamepad
from geometry_msgs.msg import Wrench
from std_msgs.msg import Int32, UInt8MultiArray, String
import math
import logging
import threading
import numpy as np
import rclpy
# rqt and QT
from qt_gui.plugin import Plugin
from python_qt_binding import QtCore
from python_qt_binding.QtCore import Qt, QTimer
from python_qt_binding.QtWidgets import QWidget, QLabel, QSlider, QPushButton, QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout
class TeleopPlugin(Plugin):
channel = '/wrench'
def __init__(self, context):
super(TeleopPlugin, self).__init__(context)
self._context = context
# Access the RQT ROS node.
self._node = self._context.node
self._widget = QWidget()
self.label_joy_x = QLabel("X: 000000", parent=self._widget)
self._joy = XboxController()
self._monitor_timer = QTimer(self)
self.thrust_publisher_ = self._node.create_publisher(Wrench,, 10)
def _monitor_joy(self):
self.label_joy_x.setText(f"X: {self._joy.LeftJoystickX}")
x = -self._joy.LeftJoystickY
y = -self._joy.LeftJoystickX
z = 0 if self._joy.A and self._joy.B else 1 if self._joy.A else -1 if self._joy.B else 0
roll = self._joy.RightJoystickX
pitch = -self._joy.RightJoystickY
yaw = 0 if self._joy.LeftTrigger > 0.5 and self._joy.RightTrigger > 0.5 else 1 if self._joy.LeftTrigger > 0.5 else -1 if self._joy.RightTrigger > 0.5 else 0
thrust_arr = [x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw]
thrust_arr = map(XboxController.scale, thrust_arr)
thrust_arr = [thrust * max for thrust, max in zip(thrust_arr, self._joy.thrustMax)]
thrust_arr = np.clip(thrust_arr, [-max for max in self._joy.thrustMax], self._joy.thrustMax)
thrust_arr = list(map(lambda thrust: thrust if abs(thrust) > self._joy.thrustMin else 0, thrust_arr))
scale = 5
thrust_msg = Wrench()
thrust_msg.force.x = float(scale * thrust_arr[0])
thrust_msg.force.y = float(scale * thrust_arr[1])
thrust_msg.force.z = float(scale * thrust_arr[2])
thrust_msg.torque.x = float(scale * thrust_arr[3])
thrust_msg.torque.y = float(scale * thrust_arr[4])
thrust_msg.torque.z = float(scale * thrust_arr[5])
class XboxController(object):
MAX_TRIG_VAL = math.pow(2, 8)
MAX_JOY_VAL = math.pow(2, 15)
def __init__(self):
self.LeftJoystickY = 0
self.LeftJoystickX = 0
self.RightJoystickY = 0
self.RightJoystickX = 0
self.LeftTrigger = 0
self.RightTrigger = 0
self.LeftBumper = 0
self.RightBumper = 0
self.A = 0
self.X = 0
self.Y = 0
self.B = 0
self.LeftThumb = 0
self.RightThumb = 0
self.Back = 0
self.Start = 0
self.LeftDPad = False
self.RightDPad = False
self.UpDPad = False
self.DownDPad = False
self.pitchMax = 0.8
self.rollMax = 0.8
self.yawMax = 0.6
self.linXMax = 1.4
self.linYMax = 1.4
self.linZMax = 1.4
self.thrustMax = [self.linXMax, self.linYMax, self.linZMax, self.rollMax, self.pitchMax, self.yawMax]
self.thrustMin = 0.001
self.torpedo_pos = 1
self.led_mode = 2
self._monitor_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._monitor_controller, args=())
self._monitor_thread.daemon = True
# Apply a cubic scaling to the input value. Makes precise movements on the
# joysticks possible, while still allowing full throttle.
def scale(x):
return x * x * x
def read(self): # return the buttons/triggers that you care about in this method
# Both joysticks have X right positive, Y down positive
x = -self.LeftJoystickY
y = -self.LeftJoystickX
z = 0 if self.A and self.B else 1 if self.A else -1 if self.B else 0
roll = self.RightJoystickX
pitch = -self.RightJoystickY
yaw = 0 if self.LeftTrigger > 0.5 and self.RightTrigger > 0.5 else 1 if self.LeftTrigger > 0.5 else -1 if self.RightTrigger > 0.5 else 0
thrust_arr = [x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw]
thrust_arr = map(XboxController.scale, thrust_arr)
thrust_arr = [thrust * max for thrust, max in zip(thrust_arr, self.thrustMax)]
thrust_arr = np.clip(thrust_arr, [-max for max in self.thrustMax], self.thrustMax)
thrust_arr = list(map(lambda thrust: thrust if abs(thrust) > self.thrustMin else 0, thrust_arr))
if self.X:
self.torpedo_pos = 0
self.led_mode = 4
elif self.Y:
self.torpedo_pos = 2
self.led_mode = 4
self.torpedo_pos = 1
self.led_mode = 2
return thrust_arr, self.torpedo_pos, self.led_mode, self.DownDPad, self.Start, self.Y, self.X
def _monitor_controller(self):
while True:
events = get_gamepad()
for event in events:
if event.code == 'ABS_Y':
self.LeftJoystickY = event.state / XboxController.MAX_JOY_VAL # normalize between -1 and 1
elif event.code == 'ABS_X':
self.LeftJoystickX = event.state / XboxController.MAX_JOY_VAL # normalize between -1 and 1
elif event.code == 'ABS_RY':
self.RightJoystickY = event.state / XboxController.MAX_JOY_VAL # normalize between -1 and 1
elif event.code == 'ABS_RX':
self.RightJoystickX = event.state / XboxController.MAX_JOY_VAL # normalize between -1 and 1
elif event.code == 'ABS_Z':
self.LeftTrigger = event.state / XboxController.MAX_TRIG_VAL # normalize between 0 and 1
elif event.code == 'ABS_RZ':
self.RightTrigger = event.state / XboxController.MAX_TRIG_VAL # normalize between 0 and 1
elif event.code == 'BTN_TL':
self.LeftBumper = event.state
elif event.code == 'BTN_TR':
self.RightBumper = event.state
elif event.code == 'BTN_SOUTH':
self.A = event.state
elif event.code == 'BTN_NORTH':
self.X = event.state
elif event.code == 'BTN_WEST':
self.Y = event.state
elif event.code == 'BTN_EAST':
self.B = event.state
elif event.code == 'BTN_THUMBL':
self.LeftThumb = event.state
elif event.code == 'BTN_THUMBR':
self.RightThumb = event.state
elif event.code == 'BTN_SELECT':
self.Back = event.state
elif event.code == 'BTN_START':
self.Start = event.state
# elif event.code == 'BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY1':
# self.LeftDPad = event.state
# elif event.code == 'BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY2':
# self.RightDPad = event.state
# elif event.code == 'BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY3':
# self.UpDPad = event.state
# elif event.code == 'BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY4':
# self.DownDPad = event.state
## BLOCK: PS4 DPad.
# Though also these are the events raised for at least Alex's
# Xbox controller. Not sure if the NBRF Xbox controller is
# different.
elif event.code == 'ABS_HAT0Y': # vertical
if event.state == -1:
self.UpDPad = True
self.DownDPad = False
elif event.state == 1:
self.UpDPad = False
self.DownDPad = True
else: # neither pressed
self.UpDPad = False
self.DownDPad = False
elif event.code == 'ABS_HAT0X': # horizontal
if event.state == -1:
self.LeftDPad = True
self.RightDPad = False
elif event.state == 1:
self.LeftDPad = False
self.RightDPad = True
else: # neither pressed
self.LeftDPad = False
self.RightDPad = False
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