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Pull mirroring updated .
- Nov 30, 2022
Ngoc Khuat authored
* convert-timezone for mysql, mariadb, sqlserver, oracle * sqlserver doesn't understand Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh * vertica * skip report-tz tests for sqlserver * use the util fn to check args for convert-timezone * fix for vertica not formatting in report-tz
- Nov 16, 2022
Ngoc Khuat authored
- Add tests to check when bucketing by week and week-of-year behave consistently, Closes #4910 - While doing the above, found that sqlserver does not respect `start-of-week` setting, so fix that. Fix #25356
- Oct 27, 2022
Ngoc Khuat authored
- Sep 28, 2022
Ngoc Khuat authored
* Implement advanced date/time/zone manipulation, part 1 Incorporate new functions into MBQL and add tests: - get-year - get-quarter - get-month - get-day - get-day-of-week - get-hour - get-minute - get-second * Fix BigQuery implementations to call extract Mark as not supported in legacy driver * Add date extraction fns for Postgres * Disable in MongoDB (for now at least) Disable in BigQuery (legacy driver) Add implementations for presto-jdbc * Misc cleanup from Jeff's PR * Update Jeff's implementation of bigquery-cloud-sqk * Reorganized tests * Mongo * Oracle * Sqlserver * Sqlite * Add casting supports for presto * Remove Jeff's implementation of presto-jdbc because its parent is sql-jdbc * Update presto-jdbc tests to use the same catalog for all datasets * Add date extraction functions to the expression editor (#25382) * make sure the semantic type of aggregated columns are integer * no recursive call in annotate for date-extract func * get-unit -> temporal-extract(column, unit) * desguar nested datetime extraction too
- Aug 11, 2022
Cam Saul authored
* Enable clj-kondo for driver namespaces * Fix CI command * Fix CI config (?) * Try hardcoding the driver directories in CI config * Fix some busted stuff * Enable the redundant fn wrapper linter * Appease the namespace linter
- May 23, 2022
dpsutton authored
Settings require db access so cannot be called at read/require time. Not until we have initialized the db are setting values possible to be read.
- May 17, 2022
Bryan Maass authored
* bumps outdated deps versions to be current * un-upgrade h2 and jetty * un-upgrade joda-time and kixi/stats * drop Java 8 support in circle CI config - things that used to rely on be-tests-java-8-ee now rely on be-tests-java-11-ee * remove java 8 from github health check matrix * revert toucan to 1.17.0 * revert mariadb java client to 2.7.5 * Back to 18, and handle new behavior toucan used to just look in *.models.<model-name> for models and just give up apparently. I made a feature that toucan will look in a model registry to create models rather than using the convention but now we're getting errors in these tests about maps vs models. ```clojure revision_test.clj:154 Check that revisions+details pulls in user info and adds description expected: [#metabase.models.revision.RevisionInstance{:is_reversion false, :is_creation false, :message nil, :user {:id 1, :common_name "Rasta Toucan", :first_name "Rasta", :last_name "Toucan"}, :diff {:o1 nil, :o2 {:name "Tips Created by Day", :serialized true}}, :description nil}] actual: (#metabase.models.revision.RevisionInstance{:description nil, :is_creation false, :is_reversion false, :user {:id 1, :first_name "Rasta", :last_name "Toucan", :common_name "Rasta Toucan"}, :message nil, :diff {:o1 nil, :o2 #metabase.models.revision_test.FakedCardInstance{:name "Tips Created by Day", :serialized true}}}) ``` The only difference here is `:o2` is a `metabase.models.revision_test.FakedCardInstance` but still has the same keys, `:name`, and `:serialized`. So all is well, we're just able to make the model. So a few different fixes. Some are use `partial=` which doesn't care about record/map distinction. Some are just make the model, and some are turning them into maps for revision strings (which more closely mimics what the real revision stuff does): ```clojure (defn default-diff-map "Default implementation of `diff-map` which simply uses clojures `data/diff` function and sets the keys `:before` and `:after`." [_ o1 o2] (when o1 (let [[before after] (data/diff o1 o2)] {:before before :after after}))) (defn default-diff-str "Default implementation of `diff-str` which simply uses clojures `data/diff` function and passes that on to `diff-string`." [entity o1 o2] (when-let [[before after] (data/diff o1 o2)] (diff-string (:name entity) before after))) ``` So all in all this change impacts nothing in the app itself, because those models follow convention and are correct in `metabase.models.<model-name>` and are thus "modelified": ```clojure revision-test=> (revision/revisions Card 1) [#metabase.models.revision.RevisionInstance{:is_creation true, :model_id 1, :id 1, :is_reversion false, :user_id 2, :timestamp #object[java.time.OffsetDateTime "0x77e037f" "2021-10-28T15:10:19.828539Z"], :object #metabase.models.card.CardInstance {:description nil, :archived false, :collection_position nil, :table_id 5, :database_id 2, :enable_embedding false, :collection_id nil, :query_type :query, :name "ECVYUHSWQJYMSOCIFHQC", :creator_id 2, :made_public_by_id nil, :embedding_params nil, :cache_ttl 1234, :dataset_query {:database 2, :type :query, :query {:source-table 5, :aggregation [[:count]]}}, :id 1, :display :scalar, :visualization_settings {:global {:title nil}}, :dataset false, :public_uuid nil}, :message nil, :model "Card"}] ``` so the model/no-model is just arbitrary distinction in the test. All of them in the actual app are turned into models: ```clojure (defn- do-post-select-for-object "Call the appropriate `post-select` methods (including the type functions) on the `:object` this Revision recorded. This is important for things like Card revisions, where the `:dataset_query` property needs to be normalized when coming out of the DB." [{:keys [model], :as revision}] ;; in some cases (such as tests) we have 'fake' models that cannot be resolved normally; don't fail entirely in ;; those cases (let [model (u/ignore-exceptions (db/resolve-model (symbol model)))] (cond-> revision ;; this line would not find a model previously for FakedCard and ;; just return the map. But now the registry in toucan _finds_ the ;; model defintion and returns the model'd map model (update :object (partial models/do-post-select model))))) (u/strict-extend (class Revision) models/IModel (merge models/IModelDefaults {:types (constantly {:object :json}) :pre-insert pre-insert :pre-update (fn [& _] (throw (Exception. (tru "You cannot update a Revision!")))) :post-select do-post-select-for-object})) ``` * try using mssql-jdbc 10.2.1.jre11 - Important that we get off the jre8 version * various fixes that needn't be reverted * Revert "various fixes that needn't be reverted" This reverts commit 2a820db0743d0062eff63366ebe7bc78b852e81f. * go back to using circle ci's java 11 docker image * java-16 (?) -> java-17 * Revert "go back to using circle ci's java 11 docker image" This reverts commit b9b14c535a689f701d7e2541081164288c988c4e. Co-authored-by:
dan sutton <>
- Apr 19, 2022
Braden Shepherdson authored
* Make namespace aliasing consistent everywhere; enforce with clj-kondo See the table of aliases in .clj-kondo/config.edn Notable patterns: - `[ :as]` - `[ :as foo]` - `[ :as]` - `[ :as]` - `[ :as]` - `[clj-http.client :as http]` and `[metabase.http-client :as client]` Fixes #19930.
- Mar 23, 2022
Cam Saul authored
* Remove references to qp/query->preprocessed * Fix Oracle
- Feb 02, 2022
Cam Saul authored
- Jan 26, 2022
Jeff Evans authored
* Support overriding ROWCOUNT for SQL Server Add new "ROWCOUNT Override" connection property for `:sqlserver`, which will provide a DB-level mechanism to override the `ROWCOUNT` session level setting as needed for specific DBs Change `max-results-bare-rows` from a hardcoded constant to a setting definition instead, which permits a DB level override, and move the former constant default to a new def instead (`default-max-results-bare-rows`) For `:sqlserver`, set the DB-level setting override (if the connection property is set), via the `driver/normalize-db-details` impl Add test to confirm the original scenario from #9940 works using this new override (set to `0`) Move common computation function of overall row limit to the `metabase.query-processor.middleware.limit` namespace, and invoke it from execute now, called `determine-query-max-rows` Add new clause to the `determine-query-max-rows` function that preferentially takes the value from `row-limit-override` (if defined)
- Jan 18, 2022
Cam Saul authored
Nested Queries Overhaul 2022: Split logic for determining appropriate table & column aliases out of SQL QP (#19384)
- Dec 21, 2021
Noah Moss authored
Alexander Polyankin <>
- Dec 03, 2021
Noah Moss authored
- Jul 30, 2021
Cam Saul authored
- Jul 29, 2021
Cam Saul authored
* Fix some Eastwood failures * Fix a lot of Eastwood errors now that it runs against test namespaces [ci skip] * Run Eastwood against test namespaces [WIP] * Bump Eastwood version to fix some errors in Eastwood itself * Fix another lint warning * Fix test failure * More test fixes
* Fix all the warnings! * Test fix * Bump Eastwood GH action timeout to 20 minutes (!)
- May 24, 2021
dpsutton authored
* Add yyyymmddhhss coercions to type system * Implementations for h2/mysql/postgres for yyyymmddhhss bytes and strings * Mongo and oracle * Adding checksum on migration it said was bad * import OffsetDateTime * Redshift and bigquery * snowflake expectations * sql server yyyymmddhhmmss. have to format the string then parse sqlserver lacks a parse function that takes a format string, they just take an integer that specifies a predefined format string. So we have to make the string into the right format then parse. * presto yyyymmddhhmmss * Test byte conversions * Remove errant `mt/set-test-drivers!` * Remove sqlite, change keyword for multiple native types in def the spec couldn't handle different shapes under the same keyword. so just use :natives {:postgres "BYTEA"} :native "BYTEA" * Make schema work with different shape maps * hx/raw "'foo'" -> hx/literal "foo" and remove checksums * _coercion_strategy -> _coercion-strategy * Handle coercion hierarchy for :Coercion/YYYYMMDDHHMMSSBytes->Temporal
- May 04, 2021
Jeff Evans authored
Similar to #15664, update the applicationName to include the local process identifier Updating test accordingly
- Mar 31, 2021
Cam Saul authored
- Mar 26, 2021
Jeff Evans authored
Bump mssql-jdbc version from 7.4.1.jre8 to 9.2.1.jre8 Bump plugin version accordingly Override prepared-statement and statement multimethods for :sqlserver to not set holdability at the statement level Fixing inaccurate log statements
- Mar 15, 2021
dpsutton authored
* First pass using coercions * Coercions * Handle effective_type coercion_strategy in test data sets * special-type -> semantic type in sample db ```clojure user> (def config (metabase.db.spec/h2 {:db (str "/Users/dan/projects/clojure/metabase/resources/sample-dataset.db" ";UNDO_LOG=0;CACHE_SIZE=131072;QUERY_CACHE_SIZE=128;COMPRESS=TRUE;" "MULTI_THREADED=TRUE;MVCC=TRUE;DEFRAG_ALWAYS=TRUE;MAX_COMPACT_TIME=5000;" "ANALYZE_AUTO=100")})) user> (jdbc/execute! config ["UPDATE _metabase_metadata SET keypath = 'PEOPLE.ZIP.semantic_type' WHERE keypath = 'PEOPLE.ZIP.special_type'" ]) [1] user> (jdbc/execute! config ["UPDATE _metabase_metadata SET keypath = 'REVIEWS.BODY.semantic_type' WHERE keypath = 'REVIEWS.BODY.special_type'" ]) [1] ``` * Correct mismatch in validation preventing sync * fixing up alternative date tests * More passing tests * Tests for values, nested queries, fetch metadata * tests * tests passing * Fixup mongo qp for coercions locally i have some failing tests that are off by 1 errors: Fail in compile-time-interval-test [36m:mongo[0m Make sure time-intervals work the way they're supposed to. [:time-interval $date -4 :month] should give us something like Oct 01 2020 - Feb 01 2021 if today is Feb 17 2021 expected: [{$match {$and [{:$expr {$gte [$date {:$dateFromString {:dateString 2020-10-01T00:00Z}}]}} {:$expr {$lt [$date {:$dateFromString {:dateString 2021-02-01T00:00Z}}]}}]}} {$group {_id {date~~~day {:$let {:vars {:parts {:$dateToParts {:date $date}}}, :in {:$dateFromParts {:year $$parts.year, :month $$parts.month, :day $$}}}}}}} {$sort {_id 1}} {$project {_id false, date~~~day $}} {$sort {date~~~day 1}} {$limit 1048576}] actual: [{"$match" {"$and" [{:$expr {"$gte" ["$date" {:$dateFromString {:dateString "2020-11-01T00:00Z"}}]}} {:$expr {"$lt" ["$date" {:$dateFromString {:dateString "2021-03-01T00:00Z"}}]}}]}} {"$group" {"_id" {"date~~~day" {:$let {:vars {:parts {:$dateToParts {:date "$date"}}}, :in {:$dateFromParts {:year "$$parts.year", :month "$$parts.month", :day "$$"}}}}}}} {"$sort" {"_id" 1}} {"$project" {"_id" false, "date~~~day" "$"}} {"$sort" {"date~~~day" 1}} {"$limit" 1048576}] diff: - [{"$match" {"$and" [{:$expr {"$gte" [nil {:$dateFromString {:dateString "2020-10-01T00:00Z"}}]}} {:$expr {"$lt" [nil {:$dateFromString {:dateString "2021-02-01T00:00Z"}}]}}]}}] + [{"$match" {"$and" [{:$expr {"$gte" [nil {:$dateFromString {:dateString "2020-11-01T00:00Z"}}]}} {:$expr {"$lt" [nil {:$dateFromString {:dateString "2021-03-01T00:00Z"}}]}}]}}] * ee fixes * UI to set coercion type * Don't need to populate effective-type here it actually has knock on effects: - does more work now as almost every field has an update to do in `add-extra-metadata` - we have databases that have state that we don't create. druid for example has stuff to mimic the dataset in tqpt/with-flattened-dbdef on checkins but we don't actually create this. And our dbdef has a field called "date" that is not present in the druid db, so if we attempt to add metadata it fails and kills the rest of the metadata that we add. - tests need this metadata to be present and the error causes field visibilities (for example) to not be set * Docstrings on shared lib * Add effective and coercion to redshift expectations * Fixup google analytics * Derecordize instead of recordize the expectation object details didn't work out well here. they added way more stuff from the db than what is flowing through here. ```clojure actual: {:field {:name "DATE", :parent_id nil, :table_id 69, :base_type :type/Date, :effective_type :type/Date, :coercion_strategy nil, :semantic_type nil}, :value {:type :date/all-options, :value "past5days"}} diff: - {:field {:description nil, :database_type "VARCHAR", :fingerprint_version 0, :has_field_values nil, :settings nil, :caveats nil, :fk_target_field_id nil, :custom_position 0, :active true, :last_analyzed nil, :position 1, :visibility_type :normal, :preview_display true, :database_position 0, :fingerprint nil, :points_of_interest nil}} ``` Object defaults adds quite a bit of stuff such that we'd be dissoc'ing more than we are currently adding in Co-authored-by:
Cam Saul <>
- Mar 11, 2021
Cam Saul authored
* Optimize SQL Server GROUP BY and ORDER BY with :year, :month, or :day bucketing * Avoid unneeded CAST() statements * More tests
* Revert unneeded changes * Test fixes * Don't count MySQL and Postgres driver namespaces for test coverage * Address feedback from @dpsutton; test fixes * Test fixes -
Cam Saul authored
- Mar 02, 2021
Jeff Evans authored
Switch query execution to use `Statement` instead of `PreparedStatement` when there are no params Add new multimethod to create a `Statement`, rather than `PreparedStatement`, which works similarly, called `statement` Add new multimethod to run a SQL query against a Statement, similar to `execute-query!`, called `execute-statement!` For consistency, rename `execute-query!` to `execute-prepared-statement!` Change `execute-reducible-query` to capture whether the query has params, and if not, using the new multimethods instead Update fetch-results-metadata-test so it replaces execute-select! instead of prepared-statement Adding `statement-supported?` multimethod (defaults to true), to let drivers control whether statements are used at all Updating Oracle driver to not override holdability for `statement`, similar to `prepared-statement`, and bumping module version Updating SparkSQL driver to indicate that statements are not supported, and bumping module version Fixing Redshift test to also override `execute-statement!` so it can capture the SQL for a statement
- Feb 15, 2021
dpsutton authored
* Semantic types migration * Fixup for basic querying * Remove the relation type migration. it makes the diff far too hard at the moment. need to be able to just move everything from special_type -> semantic_type and then correct the few that look at it to care about the effective type. the PK/FK stuff gets really invasive and needs to be in its own much smaller changeset * Just rename special_type -> semantic_type for first change * Special type -> semantic type * special-type -> semantic-type * SpecialType -> SemanticType * special type -> semantic type mostly in documentation, docstrings, etc * Fix tests which relied on order of sets database position was annotated by map-index'ing over the set. changing `:special-type` to `:semantic-type` changed the order of the seq produced from it. * special -> semantic in schema_metadata * Tim is awesome: Undo overeager special->semantic in docstrings * Un-rename semantic_type in data_migrations These migrations are run unless a migrations table marks them as already having run. If they haven't run, then the db is older and the column is special_type most likely. So we let them run as `:special_type` and add some error handling to the migration runner that is _opt in_. ```clojure (defmigration ^{:author "camsaul", :added "0.20.0", :catch? true} migrate-field-types ... ) (try (@migration-var) (catch Exception e (if catch? ;; catch? from metadata (log/warn (format "Data migration %s failed: %s" migration-name (.getMessage e))) (throw e)))) ``` * Fix merged master changes just accepted their changes and fixed up rather than fix conflicts.
- Feb 05, 2021
Cam Saul authored
* Goodbye forever to expect-with-driver *
* Update expectations counts * Convert metabase.mbql.util-test to the new style * Convert some more test namespaces to the new style * Convert four more namespaces to the new style
- Jan 07, 2021
Cam Saul authored
* Proposal: no more prefix namespaces * Fix a few missing files
- Jan 05, 2021
Paul Rosenzweig authored
* group by "pivot-grouping" column * update row order in tests * fix tests * fix assertion for successful response * set up question without UI * eslint * random attempt to fix test before I set things up locally * switch to other table
* pr feedback [ci all] * whoops! keyboard macro gone wrong [ci all] * forgot to update a test [ci all] * another test [ci all] * put number in right place [ci all] * Fixing up the errors on PostgreSQL (and other SQL databases) Also ensuring tests run against drivers that support both expressions and left-joins [ci all] * fixing test failures * On Oracle and Snowflake, we need to add IDs *and* insert in smaller batches * Do not run these tests on Redshift it takes more than 10 minutes just to insert the sample-dataset into Redshift, so do not run these tests against Redshift. All other databases in the `applicable-drivers` def are valid though. Co-authored-by:Robert Roland <>
- Dec 09, 2020
dpsutton authored
* Allow text strings to special type to date [ci drivers] * Allow for timestamps/time/date for iso8601 strings [ci drivers] * First pass at tests for :type/ISO8601DateTimeString [ci drivers] * Only run ISO8601datetimestring tests on sql dbs * Make the default a timestamp and mysql the exception [ci drivers] * Fixes for sqlite and sqlserver i'm not happy with sqlite yet. they are returning strings not java.dates. But this is the same with a field who's base type is a datetime. However, the UI allows for ordering on the date times but not on the :type/ISO8601 fields and i'm not sure why * Handle oracle [ci drivers] oracle doesn't have a time type so use a similar edn dataset that doesn't have the time column * Move dataset definitions inline [ci drivers] * correct oracle datetime format [ci drivers] sparksql seems to have issues with time so just punt on that for now by running in the test that doesn't have the time column * wack-a-mole [ci drivers] * Fix tests for redshift, oracle, and sparksql [ci drivers] * Oracle is funky [ci drivers] * need to investigate what's going on with oracle here [ci drivers] text fields with special_type :type/ISO8601DateTimeString are queryable as dates a datetime field :oracle expected: (= 1 (count (mt/rows (mt/dataset string-times (mt/run-mbql-query times {:filter [:= [:datetime-field $ts :day] "2008-10-19"]}))))) actual: java.lang.NullPointerException: null at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIdcb.fillupAccessors ( oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIdcb.receiveCommon ( oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIdcb.receive ( oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.readDCB ( oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIfun.receive ( oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIfun.doRPC ( oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.doOALL ( oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.doOall8 ( oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.doOall8 ( oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.executeForDescribe ( oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.executeMaybeDescribe ( oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout ( oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeInternal ( oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.executeInternal ( oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeQuery ( oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatementWrapper.executeQuery ( com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.NewProxyPreparedStatement.executeQuery ( metabase.driver.sql_jdbc.execute$eval71770$fn__71771.invoke (execute.clj:267) clojure.lang.MultiFn.invoke ( metabase.driver.sql_jdbc.execute$execute_reducible_query.invokeStatic (execute.clj:392) metabase.driver.sql_jdbc.execute$execute_reducible_query.invoke (execute.clj:377) metabase.driver.sql_jdbc.execute$execute_reducible_query.invokeStatic (execute.clj:386) metabase.driver.sql_jdbc.execute$execute_reducible_query.invoke (execute.clj:377) metabase.driver.sql_jdbc$eval102870$fn__102871.invoke (sql_jdbc.clj:49)$eval187218$fn__187219.invoke (oracle.clj:268) clojure.lang.MultiFn.invoke ( metabase.query_processor.context$executef.invokeStatic (context.clj:59) metabase.query_processor.context$executef.invoke (context.clj:48) metabase.query_processor.context.default$default_runf.invokeStatic (default.clj:69) metabase.query_processor.context.default$default_runf.invoke (default.clj:67) metabase.query_processor.context$runf.invokeStatic (context.clj:45) metabase.query_processor.context$runf.invoke (context.clj:39) metabase.query_processor.reducible$pivot.invokeStatic (reducible.clj:34) metabase.query_processor.reducible$pivot.invoke (reducible.clj:31) * sparksql has some issues querying on datetime [ci drivers] text fields with special_type :type/ISO8601DateTimeString are queryable as dates a datetime field :sparksql: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser.ParseException: DataType time() is not supported.(line 2, pos 178) == SQL == -- Metabase SELECT `t1`.`id` AS `id`, `t1`.`name` AS `name`, CAST(CAST(`t1`.`ts` AS timestamp) AS timestamp) AS `ts`, CAST(CAST(`t1`.`d` AS date) AS timestamp) AS `d`, CAST(CAST(`t1`.`t` AS time) AS timestamp) AS `t` FROM `string_times`.`times` `t1` WHERE (CAST(CAST(`t1`.`ts` AS timestamp) AS timestamp) >= CAST(to_utc_timestamp('2008-10-19 00:00:00', 'UTC') AS timestamp) AND CAST(CAST(`t1`.`ts` AS timestamp) AS timestamp) < CAST(to_utc_timestamp('2008-10-20 00:00:00', 'UTC') AS timestamp)) LIMIT 1048576 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^^^ expected: (= 1 (count (mt/rows (mt/dataset string-times (mt/run-mbql-query times {:filter [:= [:datetime-field $ts :day] "2008-10-19"]}))))) actual: java.sql.SQLException: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser.ParseException: DataType time() is not supported.(line 2, pos 178) == SQL == -- Metabase SELECT `t1`.`id` AS `id`, `t1`.`name` AS `name`, CAST(CAST(`t1`.`ts` AS timestamp) AS timestamp) AS `ts`, CAST(CAST(`t1`.`d` AS date) AS timestamp) AS `d`, CAST(CAST(`t1`.`t` AS time) AS timestamp) AS `t` FROM `string_times`.`times` `t1` WHERE (CAST(CAST(`t1`.`ts` AS timestamp) AS timestamp) >= CAST(to_utc_timestamp('2008-10-19 00:00:00', 'UTC') AS timestamp) AND CAST(CAST(`t1`.`ts` AS timestamp) AS timestamp) < CAST(to_utc_timestamp('2008-10-20 00:00:00', 'UTC') AS timestamp)) LIMIT 1048576 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^^^ at org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveStatement.execute ( org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveStatement.executeQuery ( org.apache.hive.jdbc.HivePreparedStatement.executeQuery ( com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.NewProxyPreparedStatement.executeQuery ( metabase.driver.sql_jdbc.execute$eval71770$fn__71771.invoke (execute.clj:267) clojure.lang.MultiFn.invoke ( metabase.driver.sql_jdbc.execute$execute_reducible_query.invokeStatic (execute.clj:392) metabase.driver.sql_jdbc.execute$execute_reducible_query.invoke (execute.clj:377) metabase.driver.sql_jdbc.execute$execute_reducible_query.invokeStatic (execute.clj:386) metabase.driver.sql_jdbc.execute$execute_reducible_query.invoke (execute.clj:377) metabase.driver.sql_jdbc$eval102870$fn__102871.invoke (sql_jdbc.clj:49) metabase.driver.sparksql$eval187174$fn__187176.invoke (sparksql.clj:142) clojure.lang.MultiFn.invoke ( metabase.query_processor.context$executef.invokeStatic (context.clj:59) metabase.query_processor.context$executef.invoke (context.clj:48) metabase.query_processor.context.default$default_runf.invokeStatic (default.clj:69) metabase.query_processor.context.default$default_runf.invoke (default.clj:67) metabase.query_processor.context$runf.invokeStatic (context.clj:45) metabase.query_processor.context$runf.invoke (context.clj:39) metabase.query_processor.reducible$pivot.invokeStatic (reducible.clj:34) metabase.query_processor.reducible$pivot.invoke (reducible.clj:31) metabase.query_processor.middleware.mbql_to_native$mbql__GT_native$fn__57878.invoke (mbql_to_native.clj:26) metabase.query_processor.middleware.check_features$check_features$fn__57065.invoke (check_features.clj:42) metabase.query_processor.middleware.optimize_datetime_filters$optimize_datetime_filters$fn__58077.invoke (optimize_datetime_filters.clj:133) metabase.query_processor.middleware.auto_parse_filter_values$auto_parse_filter_values$fn__55756.invoke (auto_parse_filter_values.clj:44) metabase.query_processor.middleware.wrap_value_literals$wrap_value_literals$fn__59813.invoke (wrap_value_literals.clj:149) metabase.query_processor.middleware.annotate$add_column_info$fn__55502.invoke (annotate.clj:575) metabase.query_processor.middleware.permissions$check_query_permissions$fn__56924.invoke (permissions.clj:70) metabase.query_processor.middleware.pre_alias_aggregations$pre_alias_aggregations$fn__58633.invoke (pre_alias_aggregations.clj:40) metabase.query_processor.middleware.cumulative_aggregations$handle_cumulative_aggregations$fn__57154.invoke (cumulative_aggregations.clj:61) metabase_enterprise.sandbox.query_processor.middleware.row_level_restrictions$apply_row_level_permissions$fn__60343.invoke (row_level_restrictions.clj:292) metabase.query_processor.middleware.resolve_joined_fields$resolve_joined_fields$fn__58912.invoke (resolve_joined_fields.clj:36) metabase.query_processor.middleware.resolve_joins$resolve_joins$fn__59239.invoke (resolve_joins.clj:183) metabase.query_processor.middleware.add_implicit_joins$add_implicit_joins$fn__50719.invoke (add_implicit_joins.clj:254) metabase.query_processor.middleware.large_int_id$convert_id_to_string$fn__57823.invoke (large_int_id.clj:44) metabase.query_processor.middleware.limit$limit$fn__57856.invoke (limit.clj:38) metabase.query_processor.middleware.format_rows$format_rows$fn__57795.invoke (format_rows.clj:84) metabase.query_processor.middleware.desugar$desugar$fn__57226.invoke (desugar.clj:22) metabase.query_processor.middleware.binning$update_binning_strategy$fn__56123.invoke (binning.clj:229) metabase.query_processor.middleware.resolve_fields$resolve_fields$fn__56714.invoke (resolve_fields.clj:24) metabase.query_processor.middleware.add_dimension_projections$add_remapping$fn__50239.invoke (add_dimension_projections.clj:318) metabase.query_processor.middleware.add_implicit_clauses$add_implicit_clauses$fn__50462.invoke (add_implicit_clauses.clj:141) metabase_enterprise.sandbox.query_processor.middleware.row_level_restrictions$apply_row_level_permissions$fn__60343.invoke (row_level_restrictions.clj:292) metabase.query_processor.middleware.add_source_metadata$add_source_metadata_for_source_queries$fn__50882.invoke (add_source_metadata.clj:105) metabase_enterprise.sandbox.query_processor.middleware.column_level_perms_check$maybe_apply_column_level_perms_check$fn__60025.invoke (column_level_perms_check.clj:24) metabase.query_processor.middleware.reconcile_breakout_and_order_by_bucketing$reconcile_breakout_and_order_by_bucketing$fn__58858.invoke (reconcile_breakout_and_order_by_bucketing.clj:98) * Remove sparksql can't query on date [ci drivers]
- Oct 07, 2020
Simon Belak authored
* SQL: sync only tables for which we have SELECT privilege * More elegant tests [ci drivers] * Turn `get-tables` and `has-select-privilege?` into multimethods * Rename `get-tables` → `db-tables` * Remove debug import * Align multimethod's signature with method's * Very minor style changes [ci drivers] - drivers will fail as of now, want CI to fail this PR * Add postgres, vertica, oracle, redshift [ci drivers] * Minor refactor [ci drivers] * Fix tests: add grants to ad-hoc tables & views [ci drivers] * We don't need DatabaseMetadata any more [ci drivers] * Fix args [ci drivers] * Fix redshift result transform function [ci drivers] * Add debug data [ci all] * Don't run tests for default (always true) implementation [ci drivers] * Refactro [ci drivers] * Pass driver explicitly [ci drivers] * Pass db explicitly [ci drivers] * Add fallback if no privileges are defined [ci drivers] * Ignore errors when checking privileges [ci drivers] * Fix format [ci drivers] * Add logging [ci drivers] * Remove cruft [ci drivers] * Fix format [ci drivers] * Use sql-jdbc.conn/db->pooled-connection-spec [ci drivers] * We don't need full Database object [ci drivers] * Refactor [ci drivers] * cleanup [ci drivers] * Batched metadata queries [ci drivers] * Update tests [ci drivers] * Make linter happy [ci drivers] * Update test [ci drivers] * Quote table name to make Oracle happy [ci drivers] * Use sql.qp to generate probe query [ci drivers] * make linter happy [ci drivers] * Alias dummy in select [ci drivers] * Add MySQL, Presto, MSSQL, Snowflake [ci drivers] * Make linter happy [ci drivers] * Don't use JDBC in Presto [ci drivers] * Make probe select work in snowflake [ci drivers] * Don't needlessly use `:default` [ci drivers] * Nicer code grouping [ci drivers] * Dispatch to correct (parent) method [ci drivers] * Don't be too clever [ci drivers] * Pass driver along [ci drivers] * Better error msg [ci snowflake] * snowflake weirdness [ci snowflake] * Snowflake: pass along db name [ci snowflake] * Snowflake: more debug data [ci snowflake] * Cleanup [ci drivers] * Implement code review suggestions [ci drivers] * Test fallback path [ci drivers] * Add missing refer [ci drivers] * Move tests to individual drivers [ci drivers] * Make linter happy [ci drivers] * Fix test [ci drivers] * Fix tests [ci drivers] * Fix tests [ci drivers] * Fix tests [ci drivers] * Add vertica tests [ci drivers] * Fix tests [ci drivers] * Fix tests [ci drivers] * Fix oracle tests [ci drivers] * Fix tests [ci drivers] * Fix Presto [ci drivers] * snowflake: reuse db user [ci drivers] * Fix tests [ci drivers] * Add some doc strings [ci drivers] * Redshift: don't mess around with passwords [ci drivers] * Snowflake: reuse PUBLIC role [ci drivers] * Fix tests [ci drivers] * Further simplify [ci drivers] * [ci drivers] * Typo [ci drivers] * Reuse user [ci drivers] * Cleanup SQL [ci drivers] * Use more sql utils [ci drivers] * Presto is a lost cause [ci drivers] * Oracle: drop semicolons [ci drivers] * Oracle: use 2 users [ci oracle] * Add debug data [ci oracle] * add require [ci oracle] * Oralce: get all perms [ci oracle] * Oracle: don't setup nested users [ci oracle] * Oracle: use system user [ci drivers] * Oracle: proper cleanup [ci drivers] * Oracle is case sensitive :( [ci drivers] * snowflake: create a dummy user [ci snowflake] * Test for privilege inheritance [ci drivers] * Fix tests [ci drivers] * Fix tests [ci drivers] * Use the correct driver flag [ci drivers] * Postgres: correctly handle foreign tables [ci drivers] * Use probing [ci drivers] * Fix presto * Bring presto api in line with the rest [ci drivers] * Make linter happy [ci drivers] * Create user and give ownership [ci drivers] * Don't pollute state [ci postgres] * Remove db-specific tests [ci drivers] * Fix requires [ci drivers] * Fix indentation [ci drivers] * Refactor [ci drivers] * Fix test [ci drivers] * Make linter happy [ci drivers] * Fix presto tests [ci drivers] * Snowflake: reorder fns [ci drivers] * Typo [ci drivers] * Cleanup [ci drivers] * Account for excluded-schemas being nil [ci drivers] * Refactor [ci drivers] * Snowflake: grant select on view [ci drivers] * Fix snowflake regression [ci drivers] * Add test for `fast-active-tables` [ci drivers] Co-authored-by:
Walter Leibbrandt <> Co-authored-by:
Robert Roland <>
Simon Belak authored
* Add `db-start-of-week` multimethod * Update drivers & settings [ci drivers] * Use tru in setting def [ci drivers] * Remove reflections [ci drivers] * Fix migration [ci drivers] * Update adjust * Punt on adjust for now * Fix tests [ci drivers] * Fix tests [ci drivers] * Add missing args [ci drivers] * Fix tests [ci all] * Short-circuit if offset = 0 [ci drivers] * Fix week of year test [ci drivers] * h2: use iso-week [ci drivers] * Typo [ci drivers] * Add UI for setting * fix FE assumptions * Unified week-of-year [ci drivers] * Make h2 work regardless of locale [ci drivers] * h2: make `add-interval-honeysql-form` work with expression amounts [ci drivers] * Fix h2 tests [ci all] * Don't rely on int division [ci drivers] * Better week-of-year [ci drivers] * Make linter happy [ci drivers] * More celanup [ci drivers] * Typo [ci drivers] * Fix hive & snowflake [ci drivers] * Add missing require [ci drivers] * Bump hive [ci drivers] * Mongo: add week-of-year [ci all] * Druid: week-of-year [ci drivers] * Fix Mongo [ci drivers] * More fixes [ci drivers] * Fix oracle [ci drivers] * tweak copy and move the setting up * Oracle: use to_char [ci drivers] * More tests [ci drivers] * Remove unneeded migration [ci drivers] * Druid: don't be fancy with woy [ci drivers] * Remove references to `start_of_week` from tests [ci drivers] * Druid: use correct values in test [ci drivers] * More tests [ci drivers] * Typo [ci drivers] * Fix Google driver [ci drivers] Co-authored-by:
Paul Rosenzweig <> Co-authored-by:
Maz Ameli <> Co-authored-by:
Cam Saul <>
- Aug 17, 2020
flamber authored
- Jul 08, 2020
flamber authored
- Jun 24, 2020
Simon Belak authored
- Mar 31, 2020
Simon Belak authored
* Add more math functions to MBQL [ci drivers] * Add non-default implementations [ci drivers] * Add non-default implementations [ci all] * More lenient schema [ci drivers] * Add type hints [ci drivers] * Fix tests [ci all] * Fix tests [ci all] * Presto: stddev_samp -> stddev_pop [ci all] * Fix indentation [ci all] * Add tests [ci drivers] * Don't support percentile in H2 [ci drivers] * Fix tests [ci all] * Fix mssql [ci drivers] * FE support for new functions * Fix mssql [ci drivers] * Fix mssql [ci drivers] * Fix unit test * Implement code review suggestions [ci all] * Fix vertica [ci drivers] * FE: add length & rename expt -> exp [ci drivers] * Don't i18n displayName [ci drivers] * FE fixes * Cleanup aggregation/filter type predicates, isStandard, isMetric/isSegment, and isCustom * Test: alow expressions in filters * Alow expressions in filters [ci drivers] * Allow expressions in :between [ci drivers] * Allow expressions in :inside [ci drivers] * Fix log [ci drivers] * h2: use log10 [ci drivers] * Fix mssql & spark [ci drivers] * fix hive [ci drivers] * Don't reuse :percentile name [ci drivers] * Fix filter methods Co-authored-by:
Tom Robinson <>
- Mar 14, 2020
Cam Saul authored
- Mar 06, 2020
Tom Robinson authored
* Upgrade Chevrotain to v6.5.0 * Switch from embedded actions to visitor * rename tokens to lexer, remove no-longer needed Chevrotain hack from webpack.config.js * get tests passing again * progress converting syntax parser * got intermediate Sum(A) test passing * more progress on parsing expressions * get complex expression passing * prettier * linting * Add TokenizedExpression snapshot test * Add support to parser for recovering whitespace tokens * Add case clause [ci all] * fix test [ci all] * Harden test [ci all] * More tests [ci all] * Correctly infer case return type [ci all] * Fix test [ci all] * Fix tests [ci all] * Improved syntax parser * More parser cleanup + start adding filters and functions * Add CASE and partial filter support, cleanup tests * Add string extracts [ci all] * Typo [ci all] * Make linter happy [ci all] * Add regex-match-first [ci all] * Fix arglist [ci all] * Fix test [ci all] * Add sum-where count-where and share support. Refactor aggregation tokens * Fix tests [ci all] * Add ns prefixes [ci all] * Add ns qualifiers [ci all] * Fix trim [ci all] * Tests: ensure stable ordering of results [ci all] * Fix trim [ci all] * Support only 1-arg trim [ci all] * Fix ns prefixes [ci all] * Fix psql [ci all] * Fix redshift [ci redshift] * Refactor/simplify grammer to consolidate aggregation, expression, and filter functions * Add isCase to isExpression * Directly splice regex pattern for psql & redshift [ci all] * Fix schema [ci all] * Redshift: splice replace args [ci redshift] * Add ns prefix [ci redshift] * Typo [ci redshift] * Filter expressions * Add metrics and segments back in to expressions * Disable tokenized editing * Update tests to clojure.test [ci all] * Add concat to sqlite [ci all] * Add length [ci all] * Add missing ns [ci all] * Fix test [ci all] * Fix messed up multimethods [ci all] * Fix mssql [ci all] * Fix sqlite concat [ci all] * sqlite: correctly qoute literal strings [ci all] * Misc improvements to syntax highlighting etc * Cleanup tests [ci all] * Reoder defs [ci all] * Make linter happy [ci all] * Mongo: add case [ci mongo] * mongo: fix switch [ci mongo] * typo [ci mongo] * Improve syntax highlighter and suggestions * Mongo: always have default fallback in case [ci mongo] * Rearrange test to split out ones using expressions [ci mongo] * Remove uneeded merge [ci all] * misc * Much improved syntax highlighting using recovery mode and partial CST * Improved suggestions * try monospace font for expressions * Better typing in parser, various other fixes * Avoid parsing multiple times * Fix tests * Fix tests * More test fixes * Special case for UnderlyingRecords drill with sum-where/count-where/share * switch back to square brackets for identifiers * change extract to regexextract * Lift expressions to subselect [ci all] * Commit on enter * rename extract to substitute, fix tests * Refactor [ci all] * Fix normalization [ci all] * Correctly handle joins [ci all] Co-authored-by:
Daniel Higginbotham <> Co-authored-by:
Simon Belak <> Co-authored-by:
Maz Ameli <>
- Feb 19, 2020
Cam Saul authored
- Feb 04, 2020
Cam Saul authored
[ci drivers]
- Jan 16, 2020
Cam Saul authored