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Pull mirroring updated .
- Dec 13, 2022
Nemanja Glumac authored
* Migrate Mongo 5 ssl driver test to GitHub Actions * Migrate Mongo 4 ssl driver test to GitHub Actions * Make Mongo certificates available * Try `docker exec` for Mongo 4.0 * Remove `TTY` from the `exec` * Try overriding the entrypoint * Include `mongod` in entrypoint * Quote entrypoint command * Quote only the command * Omit `--dbpath` * Try running the docker container manually * Detach containers * Reduce the timeout
Nemanja Glumac authored
* Remove Presto 186 config We've already migrated it to GitHub actions. * Migrate Presto JDBC driver test to GitHub Actions * Wait for port to be ready * Try `presto-jdbc` driver * Wait for port before creating certificates
- Dec 12, 2022
Nemanja Glumac authored
* Migrate BigQuery SDK driver test to GitHub Actions * Migrate Google related classpath drivers test to GitHub Actions * Multi-line strings are not working? * Provide BQ envs
Nemanja Glumac authored
* Migrate Snowflake driver test to GitHub Actions * Do not run test when PR is in a draft mode * Dial down timeout to 60 minutes
Nemanja Glumac authored
* Migrate Google Analytics driver test to GitHub Actions * Migrate Redshift driver test to GitHub Actions * Migrate Athena driver test to GitHub Actions
Nemanja Glumac authored
* Migrate vertica driver test to GitHub Actions * Bump runner for vertica * Do not use matrix as it messes the output * Add vertica port to the image config * Go back to the official GitHub runner
- Dec 10, 2022
Nemanja Glumac authored
* Migrate MySQL latest driver test to GitHub Actions * Increase the timeout for MySQL latest driver test * Make env vars available to the host machine * Increase the timeout again * Bump timeout to 1h for all driver tests
- Dec 09, 2022
Cam Saul authored
- Dec 08, 2022
Cam Saul authored
* MongoDB test data config should not hardcode the user and password we use in CI * Minor test data interface dox improvements * Support standard deviation and variance for MongoDB * Oops I got :expressions mixed up with :expression-aggregations * Note about calculating variance * `connection-type` instead of `db-or-server`
- Nov 29, 2022
Cam Saul authored
* Include Amazon Athena support for dacort/metabase-athena-driver * Use Metabase Maven repo to fetch Athena driver * Copy test extensions from Damon's Athena driver repo * Some code cleanup. * Move namespaces => metabase.driver.athena * Clean up the test extensions namespace * 42 failures, 16 errors * Fix regex support; disable a few tests * Minor tweaks * Fix data-source-name * Fix :week and :day-of-week impls (mostly): 2 failures, 3 errors * Fix OFFSET, :week-of-year; skip test that has TIME column * Add Athena to CircleCI config. Don't wait for Java 11 tests to finish before driver tests. * ALL TESTS ARE PASSING! <3 * Copy fixes for; add test * We don't need to prep source files or fetch dependencies before running backend tests. * Fix Eastwood error. * Tweak CircleCI config. * Fix TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE * Include the Athena/Redshift repos in the build-drivers deps.edn * Build and release scripts need to have the :mvn/repos as well * Revert change that enabled test for Presto * Un-enable failing test for Snowflake as well. * moves all is clauses into the test - previously only the first few tests were being run * Sort ns in `metabase.driver.athena-test` * Prevent athena's file from becoming log config athena includes top-level with the properties: ``` status = debug rootLogger.level=debug ``` And this kills our beautifully crafted logging. Set "log4j2.configurationFile" in bootstrap to our own log4j2.xml. Log4j2 looks in a few places for its logging config, the first of which is the properties file. So when the jar is loaded, log4j2 considers this a logging config change and we lose our logging. Co-authored-by:
Damon P. Cortesi <> Co-authored-by:
Bryan Maass <> Co-authored-by:
dan sutton <>
- Nov 10, 2022
Ariya Hidayat authored
* Migrate some driver tests to GitHub Actions * Druid * MariaDB 10.2 * MariaDB latest * MongoDB 4.0 * MongoDB 5.0 * MongoDB latest * MySQL 5.7 * Postgres 9.6 * Postgres latest * Presto * Spark * SQLite * SQL Server 2017 * Don't use Buildjet runner * Don't run the driver tests for draft PRs * Use Buildjet for Spark driver tests * Use Buildjet for Druid driver tests
- Jul 21, 2022
Braden Shepherdson authored
- Jul 19, 2022
Cam Saul authored
* `:bulk/update` * Some refactoring. Add error handling and tests for `:bulk/update` * Remove unused namespace * PR feedback and some bug fixes * Make sure bulk/delete fails if you have all PK columns and also non-PK columns * Implement caching mechanism for Actions * Fix more `bulk/delete` tests for Postgres * Disable kondo error for `u/key-by` being deprecated * Fix duplicate test setup code in `bulk/delete` tests * Fix CircleCI job skipping magic: `$CIRCLE_STAGE` has been renamed to `$CIRCLE_JOB` * Fix Presto JDBC failures from `NOT NULL` column * Fix GA Card Save expected status code * Fix error message differences between Postgres versions * Update Snowflake DDL statements tests * Fix redundant `let` expressions * handle different error messages for different PG versions
Cam Saul authored
* Fix CircleCI job skipping magic: `$CIRCLE_STAGE` has been renamed to `$CIRCLE_JOB` * Bust cache if `$CIRCLE_JOB` is unset * Print message if `$CIRCLE_JOB` is unset and we're busting the cache * Fix GoogleAnalytics status code
- Jun 27, 2022
Nemanja Glumac authored
Nemanja Glumac authored
* Run the remaining E2E groups using GitHub Actions * Remove Snowplow from CCI * Remove waiting for databases from CCI * Remove Cypress jobs from CCI * Remove `fe-deps` from CCI * Remove `tester` executor from CCI * Remove all frontend-related from CCI * Remove static viz bundle from CCI * Remove E2E checksum from CCI * Remove frontend checksum from CCI * Trigger CI run #1 * Trigger CI run #2 * Trigger CI run #3 * Trigger CI run #4 * Trigger CI run #5
- Jun 24, 2022
Diogo Mendes authored
- Jun 21, 2022
Nemanja Glumac authored
- Jun 20, 2022
Nemanja Glumac authored
- Jun 17, 2022
Nemanja Glumac authored
- Jun 15, 2022
Nemanja Glumac authored
- Jun 13, 2022
Nemanja Glumac authored
Nemanja Glumac authored
- Jun 08, 2022
metamben authored
We have already had support for server authentication based on custom certificates. This change adds support for authenticating the client based on custom client key and certificate.
Nemanja Glumac authored
- Jun 06, 2022
Nemanja Glumac authored
- Jun 03, 2022
Nemanja Glumac authored
- Jun 02, 2022
Nemanja Glumac authored
- May 28, 2022
Nemanja Glumac authored
- May 27, 2022
Diogo Mendes authored
- May 26, 2022
Nemanja Glumac authored
- May 24, 2022
Nemanja Glumac authored
- May 23, 2022
Ariya Hidayat authored
- May 17, 2022
Bryan Maass authored
* bumps outdated deps versions to be current * un-upgrade h2 and jetty * un-upgrade joda-time and kixi/stats * drop Java 8 support in circle CI config - things that used to rely on be-tests-java-8-ee now rely on be-tests-java-11-ee * remove java 8 from github health check matrix * revert toucan to 1.17.0 * revert mariadb java client to 2.7.5 * Back to 18, and handle new behavior toucan used to just look in *.models.<model-name> for models and just give up apparently. I made a feature that toucan will look in a model registry to create models rather than using the convention but now we're getting errors in these tests about maps vs models. ```clojure revision_test.clj:154 Check that revisions+details pulls in user info and adds description expected: [#metabase.models.revision.RevisionInstance{:is_reversion false, :is_creation false, :message nil, :user {:id 1, :common_name "Rasta Toucan", :first_name "Rasta", :last_name "Toucan"}, :diff {:o1 nil, :o2 {:name "Tips Created by Day", :serialized true}}, :description nil}] actual: (#metabase.models.revision.RevisionInstance{:description nil, :is_creation false, :is_reversion false, :user {:id 1, :first_name "Rasta", :last_name "Toucan", :common_name "Rasta Toucan"}, :message nil, :diff {:o1 nil, :o2 #metabase.models.revision_test.FakedCardInstance{:name "Tips Created by Day", :serialized true}}}) ``` The only difference here is `:o2` is a `metabase.models.revision_test.FakedCardInstance` but still has the same keys, `:name`, and `:serialized`. So all is well, we're just able to make the model. So a few different fixes. Some are use `partial=` which doesn't care about record/map distinction. Some are just make the model, and some are turning them into maps for revision strings (which more closely mimics what the real revision stuff does): ```clojure (defn default-diff-map "Default implementation of `diff-map` which simply uses clojures `data/diff` function and sets the keys `:before` and `:after`." [_ o1 o2] (when o1 (let [[before after] (data/diff o1 o2)] {:before before :after after}))) (defn default-diff-str "Default implementation of `diff-str` which simply uses clojures `data/diff` function and passes that on to `diff-string`." [entity o1 o2] (when-let [[before after] (data/diff o1 o2)] (diff-string (:name entity) before after))) ``` So all in all this change impacts nothing in the app itself, because those models follow convention and are correct in `metabase.models.<model-name>` and are thus "modelified": ```clojure revision-test=> (revision/revisions Card 1) [#metabase.models.revision.RevisionInstance{:is_creation true, :model_id 1, :id 1, :is_reversion false, :user_id 2, :timestamp #object[java.time.OffsetDateTime "0x77e037f" "2021-10-28T15:10:19.828539Z"], :object #metabase.models.card.CardInstance {:description nil, :archived false, :collection_position nil, :table_id 5, :database_id 2, :enable_embedding false, :collection_id nil, :query_type :query, :name "ECVYUHSWQJYMSOCIFHQC", :creator_id 2, :made_public_by_id nil, :embedding_params nil, :cache_ttl 1234, :dataset_query {:database 2, :type :query, :query {:source-table 5, :aggregation [[:count]]}}, :id 1, :display :scalar, :visualization_settings {:global {:title nil}}, :dataset false, :public_uuid nil}, :message nil, :model "Card"}] ``` so the model/no-model is just arbitrary distinction in the test. All of them in the actual app are turned into models: ```clojure (defn- do-post-select-for-object "Call the appropriate `post-select` methods (including the type functions) on the `:object` this Revision recorded. This is important for things like Card revisions, where the `:dataset_query` property needs to be normalized when coming out of the DB." [{:keys [model], :as revision}] ;; in some cases (such as tests) we have 'fake' models that cannot be resolved normally; don't fail entirely in ;; those cases (let [model (u/ignore-exceptions (db/resolve-model (symbol model)))] (cond-> revision ;; this line would not find a model previously for FakedCard and ;; just return the map. But now the registry in toucan _finds_ the ;; model defintion and returns the model'd map model (update :object (partial models/do-post-select model))))) (u/strict-extend (class Revision) models/IModel (merge models/IModelDefaults {:types (constantly {:object :json}) :pre-insert pre-insert :pre-update (fn [& _] (throw (Exception. (tru "You cannot update a Revision!")))) :post-select do-post-select-for-object})) ``` * try using mssql-jdbc 10.2.1.jre11 - Important that we get off the jre8 version * various fixes that needn't be reverted * Revert "various fixes that needn't be reverted" This reverts commit 2a820db0743d0062eff63366ebe7bc78b852e81f. * go back to using circle ci's java 11 docker image * java-16 (?) -> java-17 * Revert "go back to using circle ci's java 11 docker image" This reverts commit b9b14c535a689f701d7e2541081164288c988c4e. Co-authored-by:
dan sutton <>
- May 16, 2022
Luis Paolini authored
* New CI image * Upgrade to new Clojure CLI version + multi arch images + add git to Builder images [ci nocache]
- May 10, 2022
Diogo Mendes authored
- May 04, 2022
Nemanja Glumac authored
- Apr 27, 2022
Nemanja Glumac authored
* [E2E] Create and run new `organization` CI group * Run `organization` group in CI * Remove `moderation` from the PR check
Nemanja Glumac authored
* Extract specs related to `fitlers` in a separate folder * Run new `filters` E2E group in CI
- Apr 25, 2022
Nemanja Glumac authored