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  1. Aug 03, 2021
    • Cam Saul's avatar
      :race_car::race_car::race_car: test runner improvements :race_car::race_car::race_car: (#17286) · e1e815f8
      Cam Saul authored
      * Add some dox
      * Rename test-runner & cloverage -> metabase.test-runner & metabase.cloverage-runner
      * Move JUnit-related test runner code to separate namespace
      * Bespoke JUnit-output code
      * Delete unused .lein-classpath file
      * Do JUnit writes in a cached thread pool
      * Add failing test to make sure JUnit output works as expected...
      * Move bad-test to metabase.bad-test so the FAILING tests actually run
      * FASTER TEST LOADING :race_car:
      * Test CircleCI :system-out
      * Final cleanup (hopefully)
      * Sort some namespaces; allow initializing :plugins when namespaces get loaded for now.
      * Need those [[tags]] in docstrings
      * Fix bad docstring
    • Nemanja Glumac's avatar
    • Nemanja Glumac's avatar
    • Alexander Lesnenko's avatar
    • Dalton's avatar
      Add the ability to verify/unverify questions (#17030) · b7fa2f34
      Dalton authored
      * rmv old bucm icons and remove verified fill color
      * add moderation action section to sidebar
      * add moderation review icon to the saved question header button
      * hide moderation section when is not a moderator
      * add UI for ModerationReviewBanner
      * Backend for moderation-review
      - create table moderation_review. Same as before but also has a
        "most_recent" boolean flag for the most recent moderation for easy
      - POST /moderation-review/ . Status can be "verified" or nil
      - must be an admin to post
      - No PUT or edit route yet. Not sure if this is even
        necessary. _MAYBE_ to edit the text, but certainly not for the
        status, ids, etc. If there's to be history, let's build some history
      - Ensure we never have more than 10 reviews. Adding a new review will
        delete the older ones, mark all old ones as not `most_recent`, and
        add the newest one as `most_recent true`
      - Ensure the card actually exists before creating the mod review
      - Since admin only at this time, don't need to check moderate
        permission or view permission
      - When hydrating ensure reviews are ordered by id desc. Should mimic
        the created_at desc
      * fix moderation review banner tooltip offset
      * disable verification button when already verified
      * rmv iconOnly prop because it seems to do nothing
      * update getLatestModerationReview to rely on most_recent boolean
      * Return 400 on invalid status to post /moderation-review
      the schema was using keywords on the left hand side rather than the
      symbols. Required a change to the docstring generator, when it made a
      docstring for enums, it would call (sort (:vs enum)) and need to
      string em.
      * Add ModerationReview model to models.clj and copy infra
      * hydrate moderation reviews on cards
      * clean up + wire up to BE + ensure mod buttons don't show for normal users
      * rmv unused moderation redux logic from QuestionDetailsSidebarPanel
      * finish writing unit tests for FE
      * ensure getIconForReview returns an object
      * enable/disable verify button tooltip when unverified/verified
      * add e2e tests
      * fix tests
      * styling tweaks
      * more styling on moderationReviewBanner
      * add function for abbreviated timestamp
      * increase fontsize of timestamp back to 12
      * fix tooltip offset
      * ensure custom locale is separate from 'en' and not used for other languages
      * Deletion moderation reviews when deleting cards
      i had actually thought this was a much larger problem. But it turns
      out we almost never delete cards (thanks comment!). And so we won't
      really generate a lot of garbage.
      I was worried that since we aren't using actual foreign keys but just
      `moderated_item_type "card"` and `moderated_item_id 2` we would have
      deleted cards with these moderation reviews but that is not the case
      as the cards aren't deleted.
      * hide verify disabled button when a question is verified
      * update test to use queryByTestId
      * Hydrate moderation reviews on cards on ordered cards
      * Handle mysql's lack of offset functionality
      mysql cannot handle just a `offset` clause, it also needs a limit
      clause grammar from
      [LIMIT {[offset,] row_count | row_count OFFSET offset}]
      select id, name from metabase_field offset 5;         -- errors
      select id, name from metabase_field limit 2 offset 5; -- works
      Since our numbers are so small here there is no worry and just do the
      offset in memory rather than jump through hoops for different dbs.
      * Batch hydrate moderation reviews
      * Don't let /api/user/:userId failure conceal moderation banner
      * fix moderation cy tests
      * work around possible bug in toucan hydration
      dashboards hydrate ordered cards
      (hydrate [:ordered_cards [:card :moderation_reviews] :series])
      Ordered_cards are dashboard_cards which have an optional card_id. But
      toucan hydration doesn't filter out the nils as they go down. It seems
      toucan returns a nil card, and then when hydrating the
      moderation_review, passes the collection of all "cards" including the
      nil ones into the hydration function for moderation_reviews
      This feels like a bug to me
      * Cleanup moderation warnings
      * Docstring in moderation review
      * include hoisted moderated_status on cards in collections api
      * Expect unverified in test :wrench:
      Co-authored-by: default avatardan sutton <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMaz Ameli <>
      Co-authored-by: default avataralxnddr <>
    • Dalton's avatar
      Handle mutation of vizSetting column when syncing columns in a native question (#17279) · dee19dfb
      Dalton authored
      * Handle mutation of vizSetting column when syncing columns of a native question
      When calling Question's _syncNativeQuerySettings method we need to treat
      existing, mutated columns as invalid so that they are filtered out and a
      new column takes the existing column's place.
      The function we use to find valid columns, findColumnIndexForColumnSetting,
      will return true if it finds a matching field_ref OR a matching name, so we
      also need to check the addedColumns array we just created in order to remove
      any columns from vizSettings that also exist there, since we combine the two
      at the end of this method.
      * add unit tests for _syncNativeQuerySettings
    • Nemanja Glumac's avatar
      Update lein references in scripts (#17291) · c4d777ac
      Nemanja Glumac authored
      * Remove `yarn start` script
      * Remove `lein docstring-checker` and `lein-bikeshed` scripts
      * Update `lein` references in `ci-backend` script
    • Luis Paolini's avatar
      Fix Elastic Beanstalk deployment in v40 (#17261) · d5b89f66
      Luis Paolini authored
      * Intermediate commit
      * Add the step to include .platform dir into the bundle
  2. Aug 02, 2021
  3. Jul 30, 2021
    • Cam Saul's avatar
      Switch to tools.deps (#16749) · 0eef2252
      Cam Saul authored
    • Howon Lee's avatar
      Default pagination #17200 (#17210) · 39e87603
      Howon Lee authored
      Change default behavior of pagination to be what i imagined it to be. Really should've taken Dan's question to heart and actually tested that bit...
    • Jeff Evans's avatar
      Only build currently active drivers (#17262) · 313f0979
      Jeff Evans authored
      Only build currently active drivers
      Update `all-drivers` fn so that it only "finds" drivers that have either a `project.clj` or `deps.edn` file (i.e. some build file), and ignores the directory otherwise. This is to deal with cached artifacts hanging around between builds in a shared executor type environment (ex: CircleCI), where even though the checkout won't bring in some driver directory that doesn't exist on the target branch, some other files (such as `pom.xml` or a `target` directory), might still be hanging around
    • Noah Moss's avatar
    • Greg Wilson's avatar
      Troubleshooting sync/fingerprint/scan (#17255) · 746e5b9c
      Greg Wilson authored
      * First draft of sync/fingerprint/scan troubleshooting
      * Merging fixes from @flamber.
      * Merging Jeff's suggestions.
    • Dalton's avatar
      Upgrade babel to 7.x.x and jest to 27.x.x (#17137) · 3a7c3987
      Dalton authored
      * Update babel dependencies to latest
      * Remove some old babel dependencies
      The dependencies in this commit include dependencies that have been
      renamed, such as babel-cli which is now @babel/cli. It also includes
      dependencies that have been replaced, such as babel-preset-stage-0 and
      its ilk, which have been replaced with @babel/preset-env.
      * Remove babel-register dependency
      This is referenced in our webpack.config.js file. I don't think we need
      Babel in our Node envionment, but I could be wrong, so leaving this as a
      separate commit.
      * Remove @babel/standalone and dependent code
      We're using @babel/standalone to support the writing of JSX in our
      internal-only ScratchApp editor. Unfortunately, this dependency is
      large--1.5mb not gzipped--and our current build does not intelligently
      split bundles, meaning our users our burdened by the size of this
      dependency whenever they must redownload the Metabase JS bundle.
      I'm removing it. We should still be able to write JS in the ScratchApp,
      but JSX no longer.
      * Add @babel/node to dev deps
      Needed by a cypress command
      * Add browserslist config
      Babel's preset-env dep needs this config to determine how to transform
      our JavaScript. By default I believe it ends up defaulting to
      "defaults" is equivalent to the following rules:
      > 0.5%, last 2 versions, Firefox ESR, not dead
      A comma between rules represents a UNION operator.
      we have deprecated IE 11 so I am including that explicitly in our
      * Update babelrc plugins and presets
      - Replaced presets with preset-env and preset-react
      - Updated the names of some plugins, like transform-decorators-legacy,
        which is now @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators with an explicit
        "legacy: true" passed in the config.
      - Removed add-react-displayname because it is included in preset-react
      - Removed transform-builtin-extend because it is included in preset-env*
      - Removed syntax-trailing-function-commas because it is supported by
        all browsers we support
      * note: There is a "loose" config option for handling the extension of builtin
      classes. We may need it, but I am not sure.
      * Update babel cli args
      Replace -q with --quiet because -q no longer exists
      * Fix circular dep in auth.js by making it async
      Our app unfortunately contains MANY circular dependencies. Some, like
      this one, caused problems when the app instantiates because the
      "refreshCurrentUser" method is undefined when auth.js is initially run.
      While we should in the future avoid having circular deps in the first
      place, making them run async by requiring the dep and function run-time
      fixes this particular issue.
      * Fix circular dependency in metabase/redux/requests.js
      The handleActions and createAction methods imported from
      "metabase/lib/redux" are actually just methods from the "redux-actions"
      dependency... so importing those methods directly from that dep fixes
      this circular dependency problem.
      * Remove references to and exports in metabase/services
      This line breaks the build. Git blame says the line is 5 years old, and
      I wouldn't expect such code to be used with how our app now requires
      * Fix MBQLArrayClause problem caused by Array extension
      * Explicitly pass args from flatMap to function via anonymous cb
      I think the old Array.prototype.flatMap prototype must've had different
      args. They are now "currentValue, index, array" so when we passed it
      "enumeratePaths" as a callback, the second arg of enumeratePaths gets
      set to a number. This breaks the logic of enumeratePaths because it is a
      recursive function that depends on that second arg getting initialized
      as an empty array by default.
      * Remove code that spreads non-iterable value in array
      New Babel is stricter about handling this sort of code that doesn't
      match the JS spec. You can't spread an undefined value inside of an
      * Update jest and babel-jest to latest
      Updating Babel breaks our unit tests. Updating nothing causes every test
      to fail due to a Babel version mismatch. Updating only babel-jest causes
      the following error:
      TypeError: Jest: a transform must export a `process` function
      There may be a way around updating Jest, but updating it does not appear
      to be too difficult.
      * Set the testEnvironment to jsdom
      This was the default testEnvironment in our old version of jest. At some
      point the default was changed to node.
      * Remove unfinished "pending" unit tests
      I'm unfamiliar with this pending function, but the function no longer
      exists, causing the tests to fail.
      * don't pass async callback to describe
      * Update name of runTimersToTime to advanceTimersByTime
      * Fix incorrectly nested unit test
      * mock SVGElement.prototype.getBBox method
      * Don't return values in describe callback
      * Move variable declaration to above usage
      * Fix prettier error
      * Upgrade `documentation` library to the latest version (13.x.x)
      This library was the only one left that was still using Babel 6.
      * Return an MBQLClause instance after using Array methods
      * remove 'not IE 11' from browserslist
      * Remove mock that breaks unit test
      Co-authored-by: default avatarNemanja <>
  4. Jul 29, 2021
  5. Jul 28, 2021