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  1. Aug 04, 2022
  2. Aug 03, 2022
  3. Aug 02, 2022
    • dpsutton's avatar
      Handle flakiness with geojson errors (#24523) · a54b36b9
      dpsutton authored
      * Handle flakiness with geojson errors
      In CI seems like we are getting errant errors:
      It validates URLs and files appropriately
      expected: (valid? geojson)
        actual: #error {
       :cause "Invalid IP address literal: 0xc0000200"
       [{:type clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
         :message "Invalid GeoJSON file location: must either start with http:// or https:// or be a relative path to a file on the classpath. URLs referring to hosts that supply internal hosting metadata are prohibited."
         :data {:status-code 400, :url "http://0xc0000200"}
         :at [metabase.api.geojson$valid_url_QMARK_ invokeStatic "geojson.clj" 62]}
         :message "0xc0000200"
         :at [ getAllByName "" 1340]}
        {:type java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
         :message "Invalid IP address literal: 0xc0000200"
         :at [ validateNumericFormatV4 "" 150]}]
      Not clear if this change has a hope of fixing it: if it doesn't resolve
      once its possible it is cached somewhere in the network stack, or it
      won't resolve if you ask again.
      But gonna give it a shot.
      Set the property `"networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl"` to `"0"`
      > networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl (default: 10)
      >    Indicates the caching policy for un-successful name lookups from the name service. The value is specified as an integer to indicate the number of seconds to cache the failure for un-successful lookups.
      >    A value of 0 indicates "never cache". A value of -1 indicates "cache forever".
      in the hopes that we can try multiple times. Restores the original value
      after the test completes so we don't inadvertently change behavior
      If we get an error of we try again if we
      have attempts remaining. If we get a boolean it means the ip resolution
      worked so we can rely on the response (checking if it resolves locally
      or not)
      * add a delay
      * comment out test
    • Ryan Laurie's avatar
      fix modal header typo (#24539) · 0e8e302f
      Ryan Laurie authored
    • dpsutton's avatar
      bump snowflake (#24480) · b5ea59aa
      dpsutton authored
      * bump snowflake
      * Handle Types/TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE for snowflake
      Snowflake used to return columns of this type as `Types/TIMESTAMP` =
      The driver is registered with the legacy stuff
      (driver/register! :snowflake,
                        :parent #{:sql-jdbc
      causing it to hit the following codepath:
      (defmethod sql-jdbc.execute/read-column-thunk [::use-legacy-classes-for-read-and-set Types/TIMESTAMP]
        [_ ^ResultSet rs _ ^Integer i]
        (fn []
          (when-let [s (.getString rs i)]
            (let [t ( s)]
              (log/tracef "(.getString rs i) [TIMESTAMP] -> %s -> %s" (pr-str s) (pr-str t))
      But snowflake now reports the column as `Types/TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE`
      = 2014 in
      we no longer hit this string based path for the timestamp with timezone
      pathway. Instead it hits
      (defn- get-object-of-class-thunk [^ResultSet rs, ^long i, ^Class klass]
        ^{:name (format "(.getObject rs %d %s)" i (.getCanonicalName klass))}
        (fn []
          (.getObject rs i klass)))
      (defmethod read-column-thunk [:sql-jdbc Types/TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE]
        [_ rs _ i]
        (get-object-of-class-thunk rs i java.time.OffsetDateTime))
      And `(.getObject ...)` blows up with an unsupported exception.
        // @Override
        public <T> T getObject(int columnIndex, Class<T> type) throws SQLException {
          logger.debug("public <T> T getObject(int columnIndex,Class<T> type)", false);
          throw new SnowflakeLoggedFeatureNotSupportedException(session);
      There seem to be some `getTimetamp` methods on the
      `SnowflakeBaseResultSet` that we could call but for now I'm just
      grabbing the string and we'll parse on our side.
      One style note, it is not quite clear to me if this should follow the
      pattern established in `snowflake.clj` driver of setting `defmethod
      sql-jdbc.execute/read-column-thunk [:snowflake
      Types/TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE]` or if it should follow the legacy
      pattern of `defmethod sql-jdbc.execute/read-column-thunk
      [::use-legacy-classes-for-read-and-set Types/TIMESTAMP]`. It seems like
      almost either would be fine. Just depends on whether other legacy
      drivers might like this fix which seems possible?