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  1. Jun 20, 2022
  2. Jun 18, 2022
  3. Jun 17, 2022
  4. Jun 16, 2022
    • Cal Herries's avatar
      Remove extra whitespace in defendpoint (#23350) · 90cb13cb
      Cal Herries authored
      * Remove extra whitespace in defendpoint
      * [ci nocache]
      Co-authored-by: default avatarLuis Paolini <>
    • dpsutton's avatar
      Handle quarters in native queries (#23368) · 3530241c
      dpsutton authored
      MBQL goes through a different path. This is only for native
      queries. Also the diff is huge. Ignoring whitespace shows a very modest
          "month"   {:unit-range month-range
                     :to-period  t/months}
      +   "quarter" {:unit-range relative-quarter-range
      +              :to-period  (comp t/months (partial * 3))}
          "year"    {:unit-range year-range
                     :to-period  t/years}})
         "past2months~"   {:end "2016-06-30", :start "2016-04-01"}
         "past13months"   {:end "2016-05-31", :start "2015-05-01"}
      +  "past2quarters"  {:end "2016-03-31", :start "2015-10-01"}
      +  "past2quarters~" {:end "2016-06-30", :start "2015-10-01"}
         "past1years"     {:end "2015-12-31", :start "2015-01-01"}
         "past1years~"    {:end "2016-12-31", :start "2015-01-01"}
      Helpful Testing Strategies
      Sample DB
      `select id, created_at from orders where {{created_at}}`
      and set a field filter of type "Date Filter"
      Custom Table
      Create a table that has entries in the middle of each quarter.
      esting=# create table quarters (id serial primary key not null, description text, t timestamptz);
      testing=# insert into quarters (description, t) values ('Q1 2022', '2022-02-01'), ('Q2 2022', '2022-05-01'), ('Q3 2022', '2022-08-01'), ('Q4 2022', '2022-11-01');
      INSERT 0 4
      testing=# select * from quarters;
       id | description |           t
        1 | Q1 2022     | 2022-02-01 00:00:00-06
        2 | Q2 2022     | 2022-05-01 00:00:00-05
        3 | Q3 2022     | 2022-08-01 00:00:00-05
        4 | Q4 2022     | 2022-11-01 00:00:00-05
      (4 rows)
      Before this change
      > Cannot invoke "clojure.lang.IFn.invoke(Object)" because "to_period" is null
      (note, if you cannot reproduce this its because you haven't gotten in your local version
      which ensured errors always appear as errors on the frontend. java 11
      has no message for NPE so the Frontend missed it was an error and
      displayed no results as if the query had succeeded)
      This was the case for the following scenarios:
      - "last1quarters"
      - "last1quarters~"
      - "thisquarter"
      - "next1quarters"
      - "next1quarters~"
      where the ~ means to include the current quarter.
      After this change
      Running the queries against the custom table I made (current time is Jun
      15, Q2)
      - "last1quarters": "Q1 2022" "February 1, 2022, 6:00 AM"
      - "last1quarters~": "Q1 2022" "February 1, 2022, 6:00 AM" | "Q2 2022" "May 1, 2022, 5:00 AM"
      - "thisquarter": "Q2 2022" "May 1, 2022, 5:00 AM"
      - "next1quarters" "Q3 2022" "August 1, 2022, 5:00 AM"
      - "next1quarters~": "Q2 2022" "May 1, 2022, 5:00 AM" | "Q3 2022" "August 1, 2022, 5:00 AM"
      And of course added tests into the matrix for the date parsing.
    • jkeys089's avatar
      improved support for Google Cloud SQL (#19302) · e8368d1d
      jkeys089 authored
      * improved support for Google Cloud SQL
      * upgrade `postgres-socket-factory` and add license overrides
      * fix license check
      Co-authored-by: default avatarCam Saul <>
    • Braden Shepherdson's avatar
    • Dalton's avatar
      Add NumberInputWidget component (#23247) · 78f2799b
      Dalton authored
      * First pass at NumberWidget
      * Share styled components
      * Remove TokenField prop for now
      * Second pass
      * Add to ParameterValueWidget
      * Add placeholder text
      * Rename to NumberInputWidget
      * Only use new widget for field filter parameters for now
      * Fix placeholder
      * Fix button text
      * Fix placeholder text
      * Add unit tests
      * Fix type
    • Dalton's avatar
      Refactor card parameter utils (#23063) · 5bdde140
      Dalton authored
      Fix unit tests
      Update name to match dashboard util fn name
    • Dalton's avatar
      Refactor `metabase/parameters/utils/dashboards` functions to be less coupled to Fields (#22964) · 219910fd
      Dalton authored
      * refactor dashboard utils
      Fix e2e test
      * rmv unused arg
    • dpsutton's avatar
      Return non-zero output from BE i18n on error (#23373) · 47b7ac9e
      dpsutton authored
      Want to return non-zero on unrecognized forms so that CI can indicate
      when forms are added that cannot be parsed.
      And example of a completely valid form of `trs` that we cannot identify
      with this code is
      ;; from driver/util.clj
      (-> "Cycle detected resolving dependent visible-if properties for driver {0}: {1}"
          (trs driver cyclic-props)
          (ex-info {:type               qp.error-type/driver
                    :driver             driver
                    :cyclic-visible-ifs cyclic-props})
      The string literal is threaded into the `trs` macro, so it validates
      correctly but we cannot identify the literal in tooling while making the
      pot file.
      Now output of bin/i18n/update-translation-template would be the
      ❯ ./update-translation-template
      [BABEL] Note: The code generator has deoptimised the styling of /Users/dan/projects/work/metabase/frontend/src/cljs/cljs.pprint.js as it exceeds the max of 500KB.
      [BABEL] Note: The code generator has deoptimised the styling of /Users/dan/projects/work/metabase/frontend/src/cljs/cljs-runtime/cljs.core.js as it exceeds the max of 500KB.
      [BABEL] Note: The code generator has deoptimised the styling of /Users/dan/projects/work/metabase/frontend/src/cljs/cljs.core.js as it exceeds the max of 500KB.
      ~/projects/work/metabase/bin/i18n ~/projects/work/metabase
      Warning: environ value /Users/dan/.sdkman/candidates/java/current for key :java-home has been overwritten with /Users/dan/.sdkman/candidates/java/17.0.1-zulu/zulu-17.jdk/Contents/Home
      SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
      SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
      SLF4J: See for further details.
      Created pot file at  ../../locales/metabase-backend.pot
      Found 1396 forms for translations
      Grouped into 1313 distinct pot entries
      Found 1 forms that could not be analyzed
      {:file "metabase/driver/util.clj", :line 362, :original (trs driver cyclic-props), :message nil}
      ❯ echo $?
      and we have an exit code of 1 so that
      will fail in CI.
    • Mahatthana (Kelvin) Nomsawadi's avatar
    • Ryan Laurie's avatar
      Allow Chevron click on select button (#23343) · e36de071
      Ryan Laurie authored
      * allow chevron click
    • Alexander Polyankin's avatar
      Simplify pinned questions (#23352) · cfbd4fe9
      Alexander Polyankin authored
    • Benoit Vinay's avatar
      Test to remove Parameter (#23297) · 01c72355
      Benoit Vinay authored
    • Howon Lee's avatar
      JSON query in postgres now walks identifier tree if one encountered (fixes #22967) (#23278) · 9e8cdef2
      Howon Lee authored
      Pursuant to #22967.
      Previously the notion of the identifier in json-query in postgres assumed a singular identifier at the top-level of the Identifier record. This is not always the case in complicated binning scenarios - the identifier could also just comprise an entire tree of Identifier record maps with the actual Identifier we're looking to turn into the JSON query in some leaf somewhere.
      Therefore, the json-query's determination of what the identifier is now walks that identifier record tree and replaces the identifiers that have JSON field semantics with the reification of ToSql from json-query.
      Previous attempt at solution hacked together something at the json-query level, changing the reification, but that only worked for one level down, instead of just walking the Identifier tree and therefore getting stuff at arbitrary tree depth. And we do get nontrivial tree depth in the bucketing in #22967.
    • Benoit Vinay's avatar
      Convert Action to TypeScript (#23299) · 46eeb243
      Benoit Vinay authored
      * Convert Action to TypeScript
      * Delete possible unused ActionClick
      * Misc in Action
      * Misc
      * Delete Action files
  5. Jun 15, 2022