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  1. Jun 24, 2022
    • dpsutton's avatar
      Join slack channels with slack-id (#23495) · f25b6115
      dpsutton authored
      * Join slack channels with slack-id
      We upload images to a channel and then send messages to the desired
      channel referencing those images from the channel we uploaded. But the
      slack bot must be in the channel to upload images.
      We handle this in `slack/upload-image!` where we watch the error message
      and join the channel if we recognize that is our issue. This special
      upload channel is set in the admin section when setting up, typed in by
      a human.
      Slack now requires us to use the internal id of the channel when
      joining. IE we used to use "metabase_files" but now we need to use
      something like "C87LQNL0Y23". But we do not have this information and we
      don't want humans to have to look this up.
      change our cache. We currently just get a list of channels and users
      ["#general" "@dan" ...]
      Change this to
      {:version 2,
       :channels [{:display-name "#random",
                   :name "random",
                   :id "CT2FNGZSRPL",
                   :type "channel"}
                  {:display-name "#general",
                   :name "general",
                   :id "C87LQNL0Y23",
                   :type "channel"}
                  {:display-name "@dan",
                   :type "user",
                   :name "dan",
                   :id "UR65C4ZJVIW"}
      Now we have slack internal ids present. When we attempt to join the
      slack channel, look for this id and attempt to use that.
      This has some knock-on effects. The UI still lists the channels in a
      channel picker when sending pulses. The list sent over the wire still
      mimics the previous shape (a flat list) and the choice is still the
      human readable name.
      In the future we should switch over to using the stable ids rather than
      solely channel names. Channel names can be renamed.
      I didn't go down this route because of the files channel. It is set at
      setup before we have a channel list. We could do some kind of run time
      migration but it is difficult because it would change the type of
      `slack-files-channel` from string to :json to handle the more complex
      type. Or perhaps we could make another setting to hold the json form and
      set that when we can positively identify things.
      In either case, these changes were not required yet to fix our slack
      issue. We just upgrade the information we have about slack channels,
      downgrade it when it hits the wire so the UI needs no changes, and use
      the extra information in the one spot where we need it.
      The cache is populated at startup and every four hours after that. So we
      do not need to worry about the old cache shape. If the new code is
      running, its the new cache.
      * Send #channel and @user forms over wire
      We store `{"channel": "#slack-pulses"}` in the pulse_channel.details
      column so we should keep those types of values around.
      We use the bare portion ("slack-pulses") rather than with the hash on it
      so we seem to be mixing usernames and channels. But these sets are
      distinct and you cannot create a channel with the same name as a
      user. Also, channel names are lowercase while channel-ids are uppercase
      so those are also non-overlapping sets.
      * Put slack token so slack reports as configured
      * Errant tap>
      * Alignment and docstring fixes
      * Remove slack-cache version information
      remove the `:version 2` from the cache. We are always in charge of the
      cache, and we compute it on startup so there's little risk of other data
      shapes being present.
    • metamben's avatar
  2. Jun 23, 2022
    • Cal Herries's avatar
      Stop caching /api/geojson/:key requests (#23474) · 02f26e07
      Cal Herries authored
      * Stop caching /api/geojson/:key requests
      * Remove extra require
    • Braden Shepherdson's avatar
      Foundation for v2 serialization and deserialization (#23204) · 2eb89b4d
      Braden Shepherdson authored
      This supports serialization of only Collections and Settings so far, but
      it demonstrates the design of the new serialization system.
      `metabase.models.serialization.base` defines the multimethods, which
      are to be implemented by all the exported models eventually.
      The actual serialization code that drives the larger process is in
      `metabase_enterprise.serialization.v2.extract` and `.merge`, since
      serialization is an enterprise feature.
      The design calls for two matching phases on each side:
      - Serialization is extract + store;
      - Deserialization is ingest + load.
      Extract and load deal with vanilla Clojure maps with a `serdes/meta` key
      giving common details; they deliberately know nothing about files.
      Store and ingest deal with the storage medium and the process of
      listing and reading a stored export.
      Laziness is retained: the `load` process ingests full details on demand,
      so only the metadata of the importing database needs to fit in memory.
    • dpsutton's avatar
      Enterprise settings (#23441) · 9c4e7389
      dpsutton authored
      * Allow for disabling settings
      Disabled settings will return their default value (else nil if no
      default is set). This allows us to have enterprise override settings and
      use them from regular OSS code without classloaders, extra vars,
      remembering to check if the feature is enabled, etc.
      Motivating examples are the appearance settings. We allow
      `application-font` setting to change the font of the application. This
      is an enterprise feature, but anyone can post to
      `api/setting/application-font` and set a new value or startup as
      `MB_APPLICATION_FONT=comic-sans java -jar metabase.jar` and have the
      Same thing for application colors in static viz. The calling code just
      calls `(settings/application-colors)` and uses them but doesn't check if
      the enterprise settings are enabled. To do this correctly, you have to
      remember to implement the following onerous procedure:
      A whole namespace for a setting
      (ns metabase-enterprise.embedding.utils
        (:require [metabase.models.setting :as setting :refer [defsetting]]
                  [metabase.public-settings :as public-settings]
                  [metabase.public-settings.premium-features :as premium-features]
                  [metabase.util.i18n :refer [deferred-tru]]))
      (defsetting notification-link-base-url
        (deferred-tru "By default \"Site Url\" is used in notification links, but can be overridden.")
        :visibility :internal
        :getter (fn []
                  (when (premium-features/hide-embed-branding?)
                    (or (setting/get-value-of-type :string :notification-link-base-url)
      And then in the calling code you have to do the procedure to
      conditionally require it and put it behind a var that can handle it
      being nil:
      ;; we want to load this at the top level so the Setting the namespace defines gets loaded
      (def ^:private site-url*
        (or (u/ignore-exceptions
              (classloader/require 'metabase-enterprise.embedding.utils)
              (resolve 'metabase-enterprise.embedding.utils/notification-link-base-url))
            (constantly nil)))
      ;; and then the usage
      (defn- site-url
        "Return the Notification Link Base URL if set by enterprise env var, or Site URL."
        (or (site-url*) (public-settings/site-url)))
      Far nicer to just place the following into the regular public-settings
      (defsetting notification-link-base-url
        (deferred-tru "By default \"Site Url\" is used in notification links, but can be overridden.")
        :visibility :internal
        :enabled?    premium-features/hide-embed-branding?)
      Then no need for a custom namespace to hold this setting, no need to
      have an extra var to point to the setting else a fallback value.
      Note that this feature is not required on every enterprise feature we
      have. We a namespace `metabase-enterprise.sso.integrations.sso-settings`
      that has 24 settings in it, all of which are enterprise features. But
      these features are used in our enterprise sso offerings and are directly
      referenced from the enterprise features. No need for the extra var to
      point to them and the flag checks happen in other parts.
      * Mark the UI/UX customization settings as requiring whitelabeling
      Mark the following settings as requiring
      premium-settings/enable-whitelabeling? (aka token check)
      - application-name
      - loading-message (override of "doing science")
      - show-metabot (override of showing our friendly metabot)
      - application-colors
      - application-font
      - application-logo-url
      - application-favicon-url
      Updates the helper functions for colors to use the setting rather than
      feeling entitled to use a lower level `setting/get-value-of-type`. We
      need the higher level api so it takes into account if its enabled or
      * Move notification-link-base-url into regular settings with enabled?
      * Cleanup ns
    • Ngoc Khuat's avatar
      Make schema for parameters and parameter_mappings on card more strict (#23456) · 22d77dbe
      Ngoc Khuat authored
      * make schema for parameters and parameter_mappings more strict
      * no duplicate id for parameterlist in mbql schema
      * reverse a change in mbql schema
      * allow blank name and slug for parameter
      * add sectionId
      * trying to use mbql.s/Parameter instead
      * reverse change to use mbql.s/Parameter, there are too many failing tests
  3. Jun 22, 2022
  4. Jun 21, 2022
  5. Jun 20, 2022
    • metamben's avatar
      Fix compilation of temporal arithmetic in between filters (#23292) · 001055df
      metamben authored
      Fix compilation of temporal arithmetic for BigQuery and Mongo 5+
      * Mongo 4 doesn't support $dateAdd so the generated filters result in an exception.
      * Support adding field to interval too (time intervals were not allowed in the first place of an addition)
      * Support temporal arithmetic with more than two operands for Mongo
  6. Jun 16, 2022
    • dpsutton's avatar
      Handle quarters in native queries (#23368) · 3530241c
      dpsutton authored
      MBQL goes through a different path. This is only for native
      queries. Also the diff is huge. Ignoring whitespace shows a very modest
          "month"   {:unit-range month-range
                     :to-period  t/months}
      +   "quarter" {:unit-range relative-quarter-range
      +              :to-period  (comp t/months (partial * 3))}
          "year"    {:unit-range year-range
                     :to-period  t/years}})
         "past2months~"   {:end "2016-06-30", :start "2016-04-01"}
         "past13months"   {:end "2016-05-31", :start "2015-05-01"}
      +  "past2quarters"  {:end "2016-03-31", :start "2015-10-01"}
      +  "past2quarters~" {:end "2016-06-30", :start "2015-10-01"}
         "past1years"     {:end "2015-12-31", :start "2015-01-01"}
         "past1years~"    {:end "2016-12-31", :start "2015-01-01"}
      Helpful Testing Strategies
      Sample DB
      `select id, created_at from orders where {{created_at}}`
      and set a field filter of type "Date Filter"
      Custom Table
      Create a table that has entries in the middle of each quarter.
      esting=# create table quarters (id serial primary key not null, description text, t timestamptz);
      testing=# insert into quarters (description, t) values ('Q1 2022', '2022-02-01'), ('Q2 2022', '2022-05-01'), ('Q3 2022', '2022-08-01'), ('Q4 2022', '2022-11-01');
      INSERT 0 4
      testing=# select * from quarters;
       id | description |           t
        1 | Q1 2022     | 2022-02-01 00:00:00-06
        2 | Q2 2022     | 2022-05-01 00:00:00-05
        3 | Q3 2022     | 2022-08-01 00:00:00-05
        4 | Q4 2022     | 2022-11-01 00:00:00-05
      (4 rows)
      Before this change
      > Cannot invoke "clojure.lang.IFn.invoke(Object)" because "to_period" is null
      (note, if you cannot reproduce this its because you haven't gotten in your local version
      which ensured errors always appear as errors on the frontend. java 11
      has no message for NPE so the Frontend missed it was an error and
      displayed no results as if the query had succeeded)
      This was the case for the following scenarios:
      - "last1quarters"
      - "last1quarters~"
      - "thisquarter"
      - "next1quarters"
      - "next1quarters~"
      where the ~ means to include the current quarter.
      After this change
      Running the queries against the custom table I made (current time is Jun
      15, Q2)
      - "last1quarters": "Q1 2022" "February 1, 2022, 6:00 AM"
      - "last1quarters~": "Q1 2022" "February 1, 2022, 6:00 AM" | "Q2 2022" "May 1, 2022, 5:00 AM"
      - "thisquarter": "Q2 2022" "May 1, 2022, 5:00 AM"
      - "next1quarters" "Q3 2022" "August 1, 2022, 5:00 AM"
      - "next1quarters~": "Q2 2022" "May 1, 2022, 5:00 AM" | "Q3 2022" "August 1, 2022, 5:00 AM"
      And of course added tests into the matrix for the date parsing.
    • Howon Lee's avatar
      JSON query in postgres now walks identifier tree if one encountered (fixes #22967) (#23278) · 9e8cdef2
      Howon Lee authored
      Pursuant to #22967.
      Previously the notion of the identifier in json-query in postgres assumed a singular identifier at the top-level of the Identifier record. This is not always the case in complicated binning scenarios - the identifier could also just comprise an entire tree of Identifier record maps with the actual Identifier we're looking to turn into the JSON query in some leaf somewhere.
      Therefore, the json-query's determination of what the identifier is now walks that identifier record tree and replaces the identifiers that have JSON field semantics with the reification of ToSql from json-query.
      Previous attempt at solution hacked together something at the json-query level, changing the reification, but that only worked for one level down, instead of just walking the Identifier tree and therefore getting stuff at arbitrary tree depth. And we do get nontrivial tree depth in the bucketing in #22967.
  7. Jun 15, 2022
    • dpsutton's avatar
      Ensure :error is present for frontend (#23346) · 79965714
      dpsutton authored
      * Ensure :error is present for frontend
      The frontend checks for a string at "error" to determine if there's an
      error or not. Any error that lacks a message (`(.getMessage e) = nil`)
      will report as a successful query with no results. This was hard to
      reproduce at first because java 14+ added a nice error message to NPEs
      in [JEP-358](
      ;; java 11
      jshell> HashSet x = null;
      x ==> null
      jshell> x.contains(3);
      |  Exception java.lang.NullPointerException
      |        at (#2:1)
      ;; java 17
      jshell> HashSet x = null;
      x ==> null
      jshell> x.contains(3);
      |  Exception java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "java.util.HashSet.contains(Object)" because "REPL.$JShell$11.x" is null
      |        at (#4:1)
      ;; java 17
      catch-exceptions=> (let [x nil] (x 3))
      Execution error (NullPointerException) at metabase.query-processor.middleware.catch-exceptions/eval130385 (REPL:41).
      Cannot invoke "clojure.lang.IFn.invoke(Object)" because "x" is null
      ;; java 11
      catch-exceptions=> (let [x nil] (x 3))
      Execution error (NullPointerException) at metabase.driver.sql.parameters.substitution/eval118508 (REPL:17).
      Here are the responses to the FE edited to the relevant bits:
      // objects are edited for clarity/brevity:
      // from java-11
        "error_type": "qp",
        "status": "failed",
        "class": "class java.lang.NullPointerException",
        "stacktrace": [...],
        "error": null,   // <---- the FE ignores all of the other data and only sees this
      // vs java-17
        "error_type": "qp",
        "status": "failed",
        "class": "class java.lang.NullPointerException",
        "stacktrace": [...],
        "error": "Cannot invoke \"clojure.lang.IFn.invoke(Object)\" because \"to_period\" is null",,
      Also, note that we were still logging
      > ERROR middleware.catch-exceptions :: Error processing query: null
      because we were looking for `(:error format-exception)` instead of
      `(:error formatted-exception)`. `format-exception` is a multimethod and
      lookup on non-associative things will happily return nil.
      * Tests
  8. Jun 14, 2022
  9. Jun 13, 2022
    • adam-james's avatar
      Allow 'null' First and Last names for Users (#23154) · 14312b9e
      adam-james authored
      * Migration to allow 'null' first and last names for users
      This is part of improving how we handle user names, related to SSO, but we also have an opportunity to make login via
      email simpler as well -> just loosen the requirement for names.
      * When only last name is given, :common_name should not have a space
      * WIP making optional first/last names safe in the backend.
      Trying to fix up some assumptions about first/last name keys in backend implementations.
      * Only add `:common_name` key when non-nil
      * Adjust setup tests to pass if use first/last name are nil
      * Fix up setup tests to work with null first/last names.
      * User API endpoints altered to handle nil names
      * Remove name validation test since they can be nil now
      * Alter JWT/SAML tests for nil user names
      * Remove "unknown" default in SAML
      * Add tests to make sure users are updating appropriately
      * use good naming convention in local function
      Co-authored-by: default avatarCam Saul <>
      * Simplify truthy check in test
      Co-authored-by: default avatarCam Saul <>
      * Simplify truthy check in test
      Co-authored-by: default avatarCam Saul <>
      * Indentation fix
      * Fix up syntax issue from github merge.
      * Fix missed function name changes in test
      * Clean up how sets are built up in the PUT user/:id endpoint
      * Better implementation for update-user-name
      * Avoid relying on 'vals' since order of keys is not guaranteed
      * Fixing little things, clarification in a comment
      * I'm tired... missed an obvious thing here. oops
      * indentation and clarify some testing
      * Change post-select implementation slightly
      * expected status is now an optional arg no dynamic var binding needed
      * 'f' is not optional, so we take it with first, then args are rest
      * simplify destructuring
      Co-authored-by: default avatarCam Saul <>
    • Jeff Bruemmer's avatar
      docs - frontmatter (#23272) · b337f510
      Jeff Bruemmer authored
    • Braden Shepherdson's avatar
      Define identity-hash for fairly robust de-duplication when deserializing (#23145) · d675a480
      Braden Shepherdson authored
      Define identity-hash for fairly robust de-duplication when deserializing
      This is a fallback for fully robust de-duplication based on `entity_id`
      All serialized models should support identity-hash, and there is a test
      to enforce that.
    • Ngoc Khuat's avatar
      Add API to fetch and search card parameters values (#23102) · fa8d88a3
      Ngoc Khuat authored
      * add API to fetch and search card parameters
      * remove code to support linked filters
      * remove unecessary data in tests
      * fix from Noah's comments
      * some chain-filter -> param-values
  10. Jun 10, 2022
    • Noah Moss's avatar
      Allow multi-line strings using `str` in translation macros (#22901) · 92175e0b
      Noah Moss authored
      * allow str form as the first argument to deferred-tru
      * add tests and update doc strings
      * migrate more setting descriptions
      * Handle multiline translation sources
      enumerate=> x
        "Whether an introductory modal should be shown after the next database connection is added. "
        "Defaults to false if any non-default database has already finished syncing for this instance."))
      enumerate=> (form->string-for-translation x)
      "Whether an introductory modal should be shown after the next database connection is added. Defaults to false if any non-default database has already finished syncing for this instance."
      We get the form from `(g/grasp <file> ::translate)` which returns the
      `x`. And then simply pick through it for either a string literal or a
      call to `(str <literal>+)`
      Co-authored-by: default avatardan sutton <>
    • Howon Lee's avatar
      Use big types when we have big JSON contents (whacks #22732) (#23221) · 4eb558a8
      Howon Lee authored
      Previously we defaulted to integer and float type in all cases for json unfolding type determination, even with bigints and bigdecimals. Now if we encounter a bignum in json unfolding we call it a bignum.
  11. Jun 09, 2022
  12. Jun 08, 2022
    • dpsutton's avatar
      Save query executions for cached queries (#23228) · 6571d223
      dpsutton authored
      * Save query executions for cached queries
      Previously had addressed because we were
      including cache hit query executions in the running query execution
      time. IE, queries take 60 seconds to run but the cache hit takes
      100ms. Our average thus would be (60s + 100ms)/2 ~ 30 seconds and the
      query duration falls below the cache threshold so we abandon the cache
      until the average creeps up back up again. Original issue:
      So the first fix was a poor one and it skipped recording the query
      execution at all which was way too heavy handed.
      (when-not (:cached acc)
        (save-successful-query-execution! (:cached acc) execution-info @row-count))
      This approach takes the more considered approach: skip updating average
      execution time but record the query-execution.
      ;; conditionally save average execution time
      (when-not (:cache_hit query-execution)
          (query/save-query-and-update-average-execution-time! query query-hash running-time))
      ;; unconditionally (modulo having a context) save the query execution
      (if-not context
        (log/warn (trs "Cannot save QueryExecution, missing :context"))
        (db/insert! QueryExecution (dissoc query-execution :json_query)))
      One question
      I'm unsure about one change here. What are the implications of not
      updating this execution time. There are two operations involved:
      ensuring there is a `Query` (table query) entry for a query and updating
      its average execution time. I'm assuming that since a query is cached it
      has a query table entry. But this code creates the Query if it doesn't
      exist and then updates its average execution time. It's not clear to me
      if we do in fact want to ensure a Query entry exists. But it feels
      harmless both in the case it is missing and also that it most likely
      isn't missing since we have a cached query and when it was cached this
      entry would have been created or updated. But adding a note just in case.
      * Fix test
      distinguish between the calls to save query execution and the calls to
      update average execution duration. The former should be called
      twice (for the uncached query and the cached query run) while the latter
      should only be called on the first run (aka, uncached results affect
      query duration stats, cached runs do not affect it)
      * Checksums are no more
      metadata became editable for models and the checksum really didn't add any value, just asserted that it had not been
    • dpsutton's avatar
      Handle time types in render code (#23198) · bc1e7b54
      dpsutton authored
    • metamben's avatar
      Support SSL with client auth for Mongo (#22977) · cef4c19b
      metamben authored
      We have already had support for server authentication based on custom
      certificates. This change adds support for authenticating the client
      based on custom client key and certificate.
  13. Jun 07, 2022
    • Howon Lee's avatar
      Do trivial identity for passthrough of symbols for nested field column instead... · ea4825a3
      Howon Lee authored
      Do trivial identity for passthrough of symbols for nested field column instead of default processing (#23136)
      Should whack both #23026 and #23027.
      Previous (default) behavior of the reducible query that gets the limited contents of the JSON to break out the nested field columns is to lowercase identifiers. This is root cause of #23026 and #23027.
      But we want the proper case of those identifiers in order to be modifying the query correctly when we query the JSON. So we set the reducible query to just pass through the identifiers instead of default behavior.
  14. Jun 06, 2022
  15. Jun 03, 2022
    • Ngoc Khuat's avatar
      Get params value API returns 400 if param not found (#23035) · 87410681
      Ngoc Khuat authored
      * dashboard api to get params value should return 404 instead of 500 when param not found
      * on the 2nd thought, let's return 400
      * update the tests too
      * wording
    • Ngoc Khuat's avatar
      Add `parameters` to report_card (#22976) · 0bd20d0b
      Ngoc Khuat authored
      * add parameters to report_card and card APIs
      * make sure migration can work with existing cards and add migration tests
      * remove debug code
      * When parameters is empty, return template tag parameters
      * update schema message
      * update migraiton test name
      * minor changes in test
      * fix failing tests
      * Always use card.parameters in PublicQuestion
      * Add defaults and readd isEmpty check
      * Default to undefined/use template tags in PublicQuestion...
      * parameters should be in the writableProperties
      * Native query card: construct parameters from template tags
      * Separate the generation of parameter id
      * Add parameter_mappings to report_card (#23003)
      * add parameter_mappings to report_card
      * fix from Noah's comments
      * fix from Noah's comments
      * Update a parameter from an updated template tag
      * Correct the parameters construction
      * Also add `parameter_mappings` to writableProperties
      * CI test: bust the npm module cache
      * Revert "CI test: bust the npm module cache"
      This reverts commit 5a327b616f0220f43a90f7f871e0bd877ffa6f47.
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDalton Johnson <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarAriya Hidayat <>
    • Howon Lee's avatar
      Add option to turn JSON column unfolding off (boat161) (#22997) · 6c4b14d5
      Howon Lee authored
      Adds option to turn JSON column unfolding off. This does not constitute an actual fix of boat161 but flamber wanted it
  16. Jun 01, 2022
  17. May 31, 2022
  18. May 30, 2022
  19. May 27, 2022
  20. May 25, 2022
    • Case Nelson's avatar
      Persist model integration changes for front end (#22933) · 4a567c28
      Case Nelson authored
      * Add can-manage to databases to help front-end
      * Only return persisted true when the state agrees
      * Add event for persisted-info to catch new models and turn on peristence when appropriate
      * Fix bad threading
      * Add comment about the case being detected to add the persisted-info
      * Fix pre-existing bug in expand-db-details where a function was used as the condition
    • metamben's avatar
      Indicate field for database error (#22804) · 3ecc3833
      metamben authored
      * Indicate field responsible for database error
      * Implement new interface
      * Make error showing logic a little easier to understand
      * Show individual field error in database form
      * Add backend tests for connection errors when adding a database
      * Add new form error component
      * Make database form error message pretty
      * Make main database form error message field bold
      * Change create account database form according to feedback
      * Fix failed E2E tests from UI changed.
      * Make it easier to tree-shake "lodash"
      * Change according to PR review
      * Cleanup + remove FormError (to be included in a separate PR)
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMahatthana Nomsawadi <>
  21. May 24, 2022
    • Case Nelson's avatar
      Add anchor time to persistence schedule (#22827) · dbf40b72
      Case Nelson authored
      * Add anchor time to persistence schedule
      Introduces a new public-setting persisted-model-refresh-anchor-time,
      representing the time to begin the refresh job. Defaults to midnight
      Also peg the cron jobs to run in the first of: reporting timezone, system timezone, or
      UTC. This means that if a user needs the refresh to be anchored consistently to a certain time in a certain place, they need to update reporting timezone to match.
      * Add tests for anchor time
      * Force anchor-time to midnight if refresh hours is less than 6
      * Need to check that hours was passed in
      * Fix ns lint
      * Add tests to ensure timezone is being set on trigger
    • Noah Moss's avatar